Snicklefritz the Cat

Lias Andersson, more like Pjoor Spjort

merry christmas

Please have him email me and tell me what the alloys are before I perish.

“We have these DeLite pizzas with thin crusts and healthy toppings, like grilled chicken and artichoke and..”

Papa Murphy’s is great because it’s like, “Oh cool, I can get a pizza that’s 10 lbs and costs $14? AND some sort of s’mores pizza? Yeah, time to stress test my house’s plumbing.”

Yeah only on planet FUCK THIS WEED IS STRONG is Litter Caesar’s a preferred dinner choice over Pizza Hut.

Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...

I am horribly offended by your insinuation that I’m addicted to meth and planning to move to Toronto.

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Let’s not forget that Junior is quite the physical specimen, with possibly the physical abilities of this guy, depending on whether he used weights or not. he really is the peak of physical perfection.

That picture really puts things in perspective. Trump Jr’s lie is so egregious, I don’t know where to begin.

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

This is Josh Bridges, who won Murph at last year’s CrossFit Games with a time of ~34 minutes.

Look at that Jesus-y bitch wearing her cross as if she is not acting in direct contravention of Jesus’s teachings.

Reposting from another article:

SB 562 is working its way through the California legislature. Some text...

OT: From a few minutes ago...

<Fingers crossed>