
Seeing as how Thor and his ilk are treated as not actual gods, but simply had been worshiped as such still allows for exclusive religions to exist; and even if they were gods, that wouldn't exclude others from believing other religions, even exclusive ones.

The point is the culture shock because Cap didn't live through those years; so he missed the transitional period. Asking an 80n year old who lived through it would not garner the same response as one who all of a sudden comes to that many years later. Ask someone who was in a coma for that long, then you get an idea

He already has all the names.

It is if you understand what I meant.

Scientific explanation? Biology!


I'm pretty sure the point is that one day the mother stopped coming [I assume she died] and the implications of what that meant for Rapunzel now being without the drugs that eased her headaches and helped her sleep...

Can't say I didn't see this coming with the way they treated it early on, but still... *tear*

How is that unfair? They're not the only one on the list, either.

Paramaecium and Anthrax are both.


Having no idea of Doctor Who until I was in my twenties did keep me from this type of experience, and even if I had watched it when it was actually on I would have only maybe seen the end of the first run, as I was born in '80; by the time I would have been interested it was almost over and no one else I knew at the

Is that Peter Davison?

The marriage was undone, was it not?

It's impossible to see all of the original series.

How could you not mention, "It's smaller on the outside"? That was the best line from Clara, and made me laugh so long I had to pause and rewind to catch what I missed.

It's appropriate in a comic book. It was my favorite font when I discovered it, in high school. I have since been introduced to the world of fonts, and I no longer like it. I don't despise it, though.

I'm pissed too! And this is the first I've heard of it. I wondered why the season was so short.

According to the science advocates and scientists I deal with on an almost daily basis science can't prove or disprove anything; especially can't prove a negative [such as "there is no God"]. At least that's what they always told me when I asked them to prove it.

Also, predating the Bible doesn't mean predating the events in the stories, such as creation.