Troy Sneed


That’s exactly what was said in the review too. Cannot EVEN

Those “two women” were actually you, weren’t they?

Everyone has their own experience...

No he wasn’t

That’s not splitting hairs lol

Haha ouch

Is this a troll post? Real question

I blame BCS for making me happy about this ;-;
Community news too even though I thought I was done with it

It’s funnier with a stick though. Imagine being able to whack anyone who interrupts you

It’s a TV show and we’re allowed to only care about characters the show immediately focuses on... hence the Marie sympathy. Get off your high horse, nobody was saying junkies deserve to rot.

Marie did nothing wrong.

I hope his idea IS wrong, but I’m really worried

Overrated is a meaningless word

Western-themed one? All I can think of is one of the clipshow flashbacks and the paintball ep in s2


This. Fuck off, man

Bro nothing is ever gonna make you leave lmao so don’t even talk that shit

The first 3 - 4 seasons maybe

Wtf you even doing here then?