Troy Sneed

More sad than creepy imo.. you guys find everything creepy

Can we cool it with the small penis jokes? Thanks in advanced

I mean she’s an actress we’re seeing on the screen.. how are we not entitled, as long as we’re not reaching her directly with our dismay?

Man what an enviable life she must lead if THIS is the surface-level shit that bothers her. Hope she appreciates it

Tami’s weird and emotional

She looks fine asshole!

I don’t understand the Riggins-Fring jokes

She didn’t annoy me as much as Jess on her first appearance. So fucking hostile with Landry

Your opinion? You were dead wrong about the Vince Gill thing..

Ha! How wrong you were!!!

Nothing sadder than watching a TV show that does nothing for you just to partake in the communal experience. I kinda get it, but I’m glad I’ve never been so moved

You wouldn’t complain about the source material unfaithfulness if they had at least casted whites lol

well i thought he was great in half nelson

Incel trolls bitch about societal collapse just as much lol..

Learn? You’re just making them double down you moron

Yeah seriously, so many comments about this show have been nitpicks

Whoa... you people are actually going to watch this shit?

Damn what an awesome header image

*snicker* You’re welcome

Why do dates matter? With posts?