They’ll do one better: non-rechargeable battery packs. $15,000 every 200 miles.
Well, in a previous movie, he flexed so hard his arm broke out of its cast, then he stole an ambulance, crashed it into a drone, ripped the Gatling gun off the drone, and used it to shoot down a helicopter. So torpedo kicking is not out of place here.
Oh that is my worst nightmare. A world populated primarily by FCA vehicles.
As if there’s some shortage of cars with ample trunk space for you and other people who worry about trunk space to choose from. This is why we can’t have nice things.
They have nothing to worry about, lighting doesn’t strike II
Standard Trump bashing procedure. I dare you to write an article where you don’t talk shit about Trump. Everything on Jalopnik is just one long Trump joke. Didn’t see the same for Obama. You guys are still kissing his fucking ass. Please ditch your obvious political bias, as commentary, some of us like actual stories…
Lamborghini will fight you. Lamborghini will fight your whole goddamn peasant family. Did you look at Lamborghini wrong? Who do you think you are? Lamborghini brought a goddamn laptop to the fight. Lamborghini is recording this. Lamborghini is going to use a f*cking satellite to quantify the speed, acceleration, and…
God, they do make a lovely coupe
Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.
Can’t figure out what’s worse: a cheating marathoner or a dude who runs a website on his own time watchdogging other people’s times.
I wanna know why Russia keeps moving its country so close to our bases!
Just because you own the land and pay taxes on it does not mean you can do anything with your land. The town knows best.
Didn’t read. Just wanted to say fuck you for such a shitty headline. Seriously, go slam your dick in a door
I’ve got emotional trauma and the only cure is cash!
Watching paint dry