
Note from a leather-crafting hobbyist - “100% genuine leather” is not a real grade of leather, it’s a marketing term. You know how that top paper-thin layer of “leather” peels off a cheap “leather” sofa after a couple of years? That’s “genuine” leather. It’s the thinnest possible layer of animal product bonded to

Note from a leather-crafting hobbyist - “100% genuine leather” is not a real grade of leather, it’s a marketing

These are ugly-ass bags. If carrying a backpack as an adult is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

These are ugly-ass bags. If carrying a backpack as an adult is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

It has literally been less than 48 hours since the initial report, and less than a day since the report was picked up by mainstream outlets. Taking a day to contact the people who employ him, PR, lawyer, etc., and draft and post a detailed statement, is surely preferable to responding to dozens of random tweets.

It’s been less than 48 hours since the accusation was initially made and he’s already posted a lengthy statement addressing it. Get a fucking grip. The guy has a responsibility to his employers, colleagues, etc. to handle this professionally, not just banter about it with dozens or hundreds of random people on

“Your house got robbed? Well, it’s not the burglar’s fault that you left your door unlocked!”


And you complain about us using an ad blocker when you run ads diguised as a legitimate news article. Add *kinja* to your adblocker folks to get rid of them. 

And you complain about us using an ad blocker when you run ads diguised as a legitimate news article. Add *kinja* to

“The point of this piece isn’t to assign blame for Kim Porter’s death.”

Sure, if you want to walk around looking like your blowing a malfunctioning dildo and possibly race toward a early permanent retirement while offending those around you try this out.

Tack is a sailing term that, roughly, means the direction you’re headed at the moment. In order to sail into the wind, you actually have to sail at an angle into the wind, and then change your tack so that you alternate, say, going 45 degrees to the left of the direction you want to go, to 45 degrees to the right of

All I can say is that this better be a REAL sci-fi movie. Not just a metaphor for some political story where the aliens are some afterthought

How can anybody see things like that and still question that they’re basically us?

Why not make new characters instead of blackwashing white ones? 

if you can still call up the people who buried the time capsule in the first place, it’s too soon guys

I mean, felons aren’t exactly known for their good decision-making skills. But if we’re going to give them advice they’ll never use, let’s start with “don’t commit felonies,” maybe.

How about the principle of parking correctly and not getting tickets in the first place?

No not really, because it and iPhone were both new back then and both products were miles better than Blackberry and Win Mobile. Even with the problems both platforms had at launch.  

But Im guessing you remember how easy it was to post up flame-bait articles for Android vs iPhone because it seems that’s what you

I feel like you are confusing your IPhone with the internet.

Do the opposite and try hosting a “single room at a single event is off limits for women” that only men can attend. The entire PAX event would had to be shutdown if they even allowed it which they wouldn’t. Even if it somehow got hosted the shaming culture would go wild demonizing anyone who would dare to attend it or

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”