
I really do have to hand to Cmdr. Hatfield, his videos and explanations have been very enjoyable. Hopefully they will pique the younger generation out there.

I asked the Ottermill developers what benefits this has over the already existing and extensively user-tested iModela from Roland that costs half as much. So far nothing.

How is this different than any other zip gun?

Actually this guy is kind of a jerk, his work looks good for a day, but it does stand the test of time and in the prop community he is banned by most sites.

Correct me if im wrong, but wouldn't layer naturally correspond with nozzle size?

Thumbs up for that inline expansion idea. I'm tired of scrolling back where I was.

Here's my thing: if you're recommended on one site, it doesn't transfer over to another. You literally have to get the approval of your peers 8 different times to become a "legitimate" commenter on all Gawker sites.

I could not agree more... for the love of unicorns make it so... one long stream of comments please!