
They look much worse than they are. I own a set and I really like them for a home gym type situation. I can’t say I’ve ever felt that they’ve gotten in the way for me.
I should note that I’m a skinny dude. If you have giant forearms you might have issues (but then, you wouldn’t be using these in the first place as they

They look much worse than they are. I own a set and I really like them for a home gym type situation. I can’t say

Must be nice to have so much money that you feel you’re having mental issues due to all the new shit that keeps arriving at your door...

Sweet jeebus, the hyperbole and buzz words on that page. Man... “Military grade aluminium”, “Patented edge limits heel-toe motion to levels comparable to walking.”.

Sweet jeebus, the hyperbole and buzz words on that page. Man... “Military grade aluminium”, “Patented edge limits

Oh you would be surprised what “urethra”-sized can be... stretched to encompass... yeah, I ended up on that side of the internet one evening. Images still stuck in my brain *shudder*

I always find this kind of funny. You fight for equality, which I’m all for btw, but at the same time you do the same thing that men (usually) get shit for doing and are perfectly fine with it. If a guy had done this (even with normal bodies) there would be hell to pay.

Now playing

Life is all in your mind. If you believe it to be real, then it’s real.

“I never fully trust physics until I actually see them in action, so I had a hard time believing the Clipa would fulfill its claims”

“I never fully trust physics until I actually see them in action, so I had a hard time believing the Clipa would

“I have your passport”

“or maybe Less, a book that I found pedestrian, but Heard might like”

Soo... is there a reason why a 10 year old post is being promoted to me now?

I think the rapid aging only happens when you have some sort of conscience to put that sort of psychological strain on you to cause it.

Might I suggest that you should change your policy to believe nothing until evidence points you in a direction that seems likely? Just because these types of allegations have turned out to be true in the past, it doesn’t mean one should automatically believe them. That’s a slippery slope.

Nuh-uh, it was aaaall planned out from the start. I pinky swear it was!

It’s just the way of the Jezebel crew :) My post(s) were a mix of honest opinion, a bit of devil’s advocate and a wee bit of trolling thrown in for good measure. Some people are just a bit too “passionate” for their own good sometimes.

You forgot to add “mom’s basement” and “doritos” to really drive that cliché home.

How many boxes should be checked before you are considered “trying”? Would a fashion show with just “plus size” models be applauded? I assume so, because that group has traditionally (in modern times at least) been pushed to the side. But wouldn’t a show like that just be the opposite of what’s happening now?

Where did you get the impression I thought it would be bad?

Not sure what “tacks” means in this context, language barrier rearing its head I guess. But hey, if your takeaway from my comments is that I’m an asshole, fine. Nothing I say is going to change your mind on that I’m pretty sure. I honestly don’t know how to put it into words to make my point come across without people

My point, which I guess is incredibly difficult to understand, is that there will always be groups that are excluded. If there isn’t a gay person, people freak out, if there isn’t a black person, people freak out, tall, short, fat, skinny, disabled, trans, etc etc. Everything in society is an insult these days it

You seemed to be trying to make a point of including all kinds of people, I was simply wondering if Rihanna would include all groups or if it was just the groups that are good PR at the moment?