
This is a troll post, right? It’s just me being dense and not seeing it as the obvious troll it is, right?

edit. Great job Kinja, if you would’ve showed the 10 previous comments I wouldn’t have added my own...

I think everything is hard to see in that game. It’s just a puke fest of particle effects everywhere.

“I’ve never tasted ice cream and don’t want to”

Blast from the past. It’s been five years since I made that post.

Having watched 2-3 of their videos in the past, I’m not surprised. These are not smart people.

No. What would they gain by doing that?

“Hopefully this serves as a reminder to all riders and drivers—don’t be an asshole, regardless if someone is watching or not”

And isn’t it fun when things get crossposted from Jez and we can all see how much you all hate men?

Boo.Fucking.Hoo. I hope he goes bankrupt with that attitude and gets a taste of what real life is like. Just imagine all the good that could’ve been done with the money he literally pissed away on fancy whine. What a dick.

Are you trying to be an idiot or does it come naturally? The first priority is and always should be to save the life of the person. Literally every single second counts in situations like these. Would you rather die than be completely naked in front of strangers?

Good ol Jezebel. Perfectly ok to write a whole article about how a dude isn’t “hot”. But if this had been written by a dude about how Actress X isn’t attractive... that guy would’ve been ripped a new one and called all manners of variants of “misogynistic” or what have you. Even if the piece was written in a joking

Are you sure Trump believes space is a thing that exists?

That has less to do with the flashlight and more to do with the batteries it uses. All batteries are bad in the cold, some worse than others (I’m too lazy to link a good source with info, you know how the googles work).

That has less to do with the flashlight and more to do with the batteries it uses. All batteries are bad in the

Man, everytime I see that damn Jonestown sign I get reminded of that last tape that was recorded. Hearing that fucker drone on and manage to convince all those people to commit suicide while hearing crying children in the background... makes me sick just thinking about it.

36, and I watch streams on Twitch almost daily. I don’t spend all day doing it, much like how not everyone spends all day watching TV shows (although binging on Netflix shows for hours on end seems socially accepted for some reason). I don’t throw money at streamers all day either. I support a singular streamer by

Wait, I thought KJU was how North Korea spelled “god”.

Well shit, I’m grabbing it just because. I never got into the multiplayer aspect of any of the StarCraft games/expansions but I’ve always loved playing through the single player. The music alone will be worth another playthrough of the campaign.

I went for the PowerBlocks as well, very happy I did, they’re awesome.

I went for the PowerBlocks as well, very happy I did, they’re awesome.

Yes, because Jezebel.