
*whispers* I hope there isn’t a single white person in the entire movie.


Hello all,

lol at y’all livin that privileged concierge life.

I’m glad you’re okay! After my dog died a few years ago, I was in the depths of misery. I only went to work, lived in my bedroom, didn’t cook at all because I couldn’t bare to leave to get groceries. My concierge didn’t see me coming in and out in the evenings or on weekends, and after about a month I came home from

When I was a low-paid movie theater employee, we were probably the last theater in the US that actually answered the phone instead of having a recording. We had a regular caller, the foot pervert, who would call, want to know movie times and what shoes we were wearing. He never got sexual or disgusting.

“Yeah, yeah.

I think it’s obvious: They went to some fancy, Hollywood swinger party. While they certainly intended to just watch, get turned on, then go home and fuck like rabbits, they in fact got drawn into some sexy situations. Perhaps even though they promised to stay close to each other the whole night, they somehow got

Thank you random internet stranger, I will hold on to this post!

A couple of things: 1) I didn't know Rita Wilson was a "singer" 2) I can't really think about Rita Wilson or Tom Hanks in a sensual way. It's like thinking about how your parents had to have had sex to make you. You know it happened, but you don't really want to contemplate it too much because they need to exist in a

Rita Wilson has albums?

FULLY support. Murphy does best when he draws from historical material so the narrative can’t go off the rails.

it was chilling how much she looked like Joan. and the control she had over her facial expressions, to the slightest raise of an eyebrow. just wow. but she proved with her performance that there is such a thing as being too good. she’d given herself over so completely to the character that it was like actually

Is fat Alec Baldwin a vampire?

Area Woman Confused by Headline: Locals Respond, say “God, Tina.”

Nobody puts Zachary Taylor in a corner!

I even remember when she was a pretty good actress.