
also used by male abusers-perhaps to dehumanize their victims? (you hear it a lot in those court-mandated 52 week domestic violence classes)

Thanks for posting! Never heard of Jesus Jeans...

I wonder if there is any topless video of him out there on the webz...

Itscocopop may have a point. Is moving away an option? Anywhere you can go where you know someone you can trust that will temporarily house you & pup pup until you get back on your feet? If so, GTFO and don't look back.

I have to stop watching this-it's gettin' HAWT in hurr.

uh, young Al Green was really sexy. How did I not realize this until now?

I agree with your take, LadyLuhve. That's my clinical opinion (licensed therapist and 15 yrs working with foster youth) for whatever it is worth.

perhaps the poophead should spend more time working on her own spirituality & less times stalking u on FB.

you may have just changed my life. For real for real. I wish I had a gif.

Your brain is a treasure, sir or madam! Princess Monster Wife was such a sad episode.

You tell your boyfriend to shut up. This is IMPORTANT INFORMATION! I do not care about trendy brands. Thanks for the tips! If you ever find the holy grail of tee shirts, please share.

Can you tell us more? I am super hard on clothes. I'm desperate to know where I can get the most bang for my buck.

I forgot to say that my work experience was in California.



I meant that seriously. I have always dreamt of being bump-free, but I've never figured out anything that works.

Tell us more about your oil AHA success...

me too!!!!! Livers! I'm calling roscoe's for fried chicken livers to go! I've been wanting them for days. I deserve them after this round of crampy gushage.