
THIS THIS THIS. We are looking at houses and 90% of floor plans the whole back of the house is just one big line of family room, kitchen table, kitchen. IT’s a nightmare. The kitchen is my safe space. I do not want some fucking kids running through someday and blasting Dora or whatever kids watch now within my “sight

I feel like this should be filed under “No Shit”

Someone should probably tell their marketing team then because they are not setting expectations accordingly. Every single ad I’ve heard literally says “A NEW XMEN TELEVISION SERIES” 

This is horrible. 18 is far too young for brunch. Brunch is a 21+ get drunk and forget how much you hate your life safe zone. No hopeful teenagers allowed

I loved The Force Awakens but Abrams is TERRIBLE and ending things. All his projects have great starts and awful conclusions. This gives me anxiety.

That’s just how Broadway works. No one stays in a show for a long time. All of the original cast has moved on.

He left Hamilton quite a while ago. I think he was one of the first original cast members to leave. I believe he has a movie coming out soon and he is definitely doing about 8000 Nationwide commercials. It seems like it’s about time for a starring tv role for him.

summer flops like Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Yeah it’s some crazy amount that people with a lot more understanding of the Targaryen family tree/time on their hands have figured out.

She’s not even just his Aunt. Rhaegar and Dany are siblings and cousins on several levels since their parents were siblings and so were their grandparents. Jon and Dany share a buttload of DNA. It’s gross.

This made me so mad. Like really Lyanna don’t you know any other Targaryeon name to give that kid?? So dumb.

I think we’re supposed to be very sympathetic to him. Even after he completely screws over both Cordelia and Anya then proceeds to treat them both like shit.

THIS. Anyone paying attention has been side-eyeing Whedon AT LEAST since Avengers 2 and probably since Charisma Carpenter “left” Angel.

Well Hayden is older than Jennifer. I definitely always think of her in pigtails in Remember the Titans, but I think her rolls have aged with her appropriately. I don’t care so much about the real life relationships with age gaps. To each their own. It’s more when Hollywood is shoving these young woman/old man combos

Uh she is most definitely paired with Michael Fassbender in those movies. Beast has crush on her but I don’t remember them actually being together?

I saw most of these men playing adult characters when I was still in gradeschool and Jennifer Lawrence is younger than me. I think that’s why it makes me so uncomfortable.

Nope! Jennifer Lawrence is two years younger than me and I was watching Bradley Cooper play a 20something adult on Alias when I was about 12. He is 16 years older than her.

He’s still 12 years older than her... I guess in hollywood that’s pretty close.

Other than Hunger Games is there a Jennifer Lawrence movie where she is paired with a man within 15 years of her own age? My favorite variation of this is when she is also supposed to be middle aged. Blargh.

It’s a mega depressing show actually. I’m still watching and I wish I could convince myself to quit.