
That was my thought too. Except I'm on my third time through dragon age because I have a problem :\

“Toying” with prey is a common behavior in feline hunters.

I once took a buzzfeed quiz that told me the celebrities I should drink with were Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. All my friends were getting Jennifer Lawrence so I was pretty proud of myself.

It’s really hard to look like you’re not reading an article about presidential easter bunnies on your phone at work when you can’t stop cracking up.

I have had this book sitting on my nightstand since the day it was released and I've never gotten past the first page :\

My mom always used to say that to me when I was a teenager! What the heck does it even mean?? A hat face?

"But Eudora those are my good time clothes"

My ps4 just died and took both my inquisitors with it. So it's going to be a long time before I have a character ready for this. I guess that good since they haven't chosen to bless us ps4 owners with this dlc yet...

Who is this? I need to punch him so bad.

Sometimes I like to drop a little feminist knowledge on my little frat boy intern. He is actually a pretty good kid with good intentions but not a thought in his head. He was pretty receptive to most things but the idea that he should not tell random women they should smile is something he can. not. process. He does

Can we please do a study about the correlation between people who post every detail of their engagement/wedding on facebook and people who get divorced? I suspect it is high.

I can only assume it's based on this version because the timing is too coincidental.

I remember being told this as well. It does seem to achieve this but mainly because they are so loose and fall out right away. Don't worry you're not missing out.

This sort of makes sense? But I can't see caring enough to buy separate hair ties for these occasions. But I'm pretty sure I have been an old my whole life so sometimes these things seem more confusing to me than they should.

This is what I use too. I actually didn't know there was such a thing as cool or trendy hair ties until this experience.

Yes my mom did mention that "they can be worn as bracelets too!" But my sister rolled her eyes at this so I figured that part was no longer cool

Ok but seriously can someone please explain those weird ribbon hair ties to me? Why are people using them? My mom gave me some in my Christmas stocking (which I still get bc my mom has no grandchildren yet) and I was like "wtf is this?" And my younger sister who graduated from college much more recently than me was

Are you me?

I can't believe it never occurred to me to use two different glitter polishes. I feel so silly.

God I forgot how completely awful and painfully embarrassing her blog posts are.