
President Healing Crystals is just spouting the same New Age hokum that white liberals love to bloviate about, where psychopharmacology is a corporate conspiracy, and the only way to fix your problem is meditation, a juice cleanse, and freebasing essential oils out of a shaman’s ass cleavage.

In case anyone finds their way to this article and needs to talk to someone...

A president is a leader (or should be). A president who derides psychiatry as quackery, who advocates for spiritual guidance over clinical treatment might be likely to advocate for less funding in psychopharmalogical research and care - and more underwriting of faith-based approaches.

Depression is a disease that literally kills people.

Telling people with a fatal disease that they’re wrong and bad for taking medication that can save their life? That’s heinous on every single conceivable level, and especially reprehensible in the context of what depression does to our self-conception.

I really do wish this site would stop dedicating so much space to Marianne Williamson. She IS an idiot, a hack, a grifter and a charlatan. She has really dangerous views on psychiatry, vaccinations and healthcare in general. She has no concrete data to support or demonstrate her “love is the answer” message, which

Why say that Cooper is unqualified to have this conversation? He did an excellent job of challenging her on her nonsense in the clip provided; he seems to have an informed grasp on the subject.

The Janitor was the unsung hero.

Nope to all these pieces today (at this family of sites and others) fawning over her for saying the bare minimum truths that progressives share in meme form on FB. Not to mention that the majority of her “points” have already been made by the top two progressives on the stage (barring the reparations commentary).

Me when Marianne Williamson started her discussion on Flint by pointing out economic inequality and government’s response to places of poverty vs wealth and the disenfranchisement of people of color but then pivoting to dark psychic energy.

Are you fucking kidding me? Her final statement felt like nomination clip for best actress in a lead role. [Betcha anything we’ll see her in soon on Hulu]

If they can make number 3 without jokes, they can make number 4 without Verne.

Appropriation is bullshit and should be called out, and I’m hardly inclined to defend someone like Dr. Luke or Katy Perry, but some of these recent copyright rulings are basically pushing the idea that someone can own very basic, simply music ideas and styles that aren’t at all creatively unique.

Shut the fuck up nerd.

Come on guys, lay off 6stringtheory. He’s going to be like that his entire life.

It’s not clear to me how getting Mueller to make some public statements about his report that ran clearly counter to Trump’s characterization of it hurts anyone, and I haven’t seen anyone saying they thought this would be some Aaron Sorkin monologue-esque moment where Mueller scored a fatality on Trump’s Presidency

Speaking as a lifelong San Franciscan, Willie Brown is as much of a con-man, huckster, rip-off artist as trump is. 

More like 3 card monte

Well, he’s playing something, it’s 3-dimensional, and the staff tells him it’s chess.

And this is fine.