
Something tells me that Netflix can see exactly who’s a “new” viewer and who is just re-watching a show they’ve already seen. And that they use a formula to calculate profit on shows that is much more complicated than “how many times did it get watched,” even though they love to brag about those numbers too.

“My Deep-Seated Issues, Ostensibly Filtered Through A Review Of A New Comedy Special”

so ... you missed the point.

I’m sure disney could make a ton of money converting the land to a combo for-profit prison\garbage dump

Dude’s presidential ambitions are dead.

That DeSantis offered no defense of the “government retaliation” claim in his statement gives away the game.

That a young woman who’s just lost four of her friends and housemates would be forced to act as a pawn in what will inevitably become a media circus is quite frankly, yet another inane byproduct of a cynical court system.

hey Molly - who, SPECIFICALLY, do you think was unfairly canceled? because if you are not willing to name names so that we can evaluate the point you think you are making, you should SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

that Social Network trailer is now emblematic of the utterly lazy musical choices made by trailer editors these days

It would be a great time for Senate Democrats to do literally anything about this.

Now playing

boy, you could really use a history lesson.


2016: “morality is very important to us here at the Susan B Anthony foundation, vote for the guy who cheats on his wife and brags about grabbing women by the pussy because he said he’s on our side this week. he’s definitely trustworthy

so unrealistic, that cop only shot the guy like a dozen times, everybody knows that cops don’t stop shooting until they run out of bullets

Truly an evil, greedy move by everyone involved. Movies get scrapped and turned into tax deductions all the time. This is an attempt to make money off the infamy of the movie. Fuck them all.

I never thought I’d wake up one late afternoon and hear myself called a rapist. It sucks.

“hey, dredge up the worst memory of your life so that this internet asshole gets what’s coming to him! there might even be a trial, that includes your abject humiliation at the hands of a defense lawyer and then an acquittal or mistrial!”

THIS. That’s not a humorous story. It’s the story of a rape. Fuck him.

Not an excuse, just a ... what the fuck was that?

“distancing themselves” from Rowling while still using Potter IP would not be “distancing” at all. they’re still making piles of money for her.