
Alas, it won’t help you here. You’re just doomed to walk in a circle in the desert until you do it right and learn to appreciate the fine art of walking.

Last night, I had a nightmare that Nintendo had made Super Mario Odyssey into a “map game” like Assassin’s Creed or Dragon Age: Inquisition. I had Mario chasing after markers on his radar, which led him to tedious micro-challenges. “I wanted an open-world Mario game,” I thought to myself, “but not like this!”


I do like the furry gauntlets on 3, despite not befitting a sleek style. I want those and the accompanying armored haidate put on 1 as a heavy kit...

Who says boys can’t like paper dolls! I love helmet on the first one, but would want it on the light, agile kit in the middle...very cool!

Wow that space samurai armor looks pretty stellar. Now I’m imagining Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors finally going the Freddy/Jason/Leprechaun sequel route and could make a Warriors Orochi 4... IN SPAAAACE. Zero G Musou Mode would be pretty amazing.

Oh, and how can I forget Cuphead??? I really enjoyed this game, and even replayed it to try and get all A-Ranks until a bug on one boss’s score calculation made me stop. Just gorgeous, and the short levels really make playing it practically compulsive. The only time the difficulty got me a little grumpy was on King

Finished Mario vs. Rabbids this week, and have been plugging away at the final challenges while commercials and timeouts drag on during football games. It’s nice to play a console-style game in handheld mode at times like this.. really dig the Switch. Also, I’m still not tired of the gameplay.. kudos, team, you came

I’m working through Cuphead, the last mission of Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches, Stardew Valley, and Total Warhammer 2. It’s hard to juggle them all at once, frankly, and my clan wants to raid in Destiny 2 tonight. So who knows exactly what I’ll be doing this weekend, especially since I’ve got some other things

My primary concern this weekend will be Yono and the Celestial Elephants, an isometric Zelda-adjacent adventure with an adorable art style and some surprisingly pointed sociopolitical commentary that shows up out of almost nowhere.

So true. And did you get to see that outstanding Sunday event with Kawakami and Ryuji to boot? Lots of stellar locale centered sequences in that game.

Just last weekend I finished off another playthrough of <b>Knights of the Old Republic</b>. Gotta be fair to Carth; he may be poorly animated and not well voice-acted, but this time around (my 3rd) I came to really appreciate his “there is fuckery afoot, and I shall not stand for it!” attitude.


No kidding! I would’ve never made it through Lady Maria without you!

Yeah, I bet he only has one build, the loser!

the BoM got a lot of love in the design process for sure, they have the coolest animations. Did you see some guy made a real pair? With a magnet for snapping and everything

Oh man, don’t get me started. I’ve got six:

My excitement for Iron Banner was really blunted when I learned they would no longer take level differences into account. Not that it made a huge difference in the original but at least there was something to differentiate it from normal crucible.

Now playing

This weekend I’ll be - hopefully - heading my XCOM 2: War of the Chosen campaign towards completion. I’ve now taken out all three of the Chosen super-warriors, which led to a bit of an anti-climax- there’s now no chance of them turning up on missions, and my soldiers are now absurdly overpowered meaning the rest of

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