Gathering flowers and handling dogs...?
Gathering flowers and handling dogs...?
You could certainly do the early rounds for engrams, but chests are now mostly hidden in the bowels of the Leviathan, and the big reward are the Emperor’s Tokens, which can be exchanged for raid gear at a special vendor who doesn’t become available until you clear the boss. The big way of getting high light now is…
I’m running the raid tonight with some friends, including people I met here on the AV Club. I really wish we could get it down to 90 minutes. I think at this point, now that we’ve done it, we can complete most of it pretty quickly. But we’ve yet to actually fight the boss. I think that’s the goal for this week.
For those that have tried it, does Destiny 2 bring back the practice of rerunning the early rounds of the raid in order to accumulate good enough gear to tackle the last round and the boss? Or are they allowing for multiple ways to get to the light cap, like they did in the last few releases for Destiny 1? I’ve…
Exactly. I’m in one of the sub clans of Dads of Destiny. I found them after my initial clan imploded.
I was worried about that very thing. All the promo videos and images I’ve seen show these guardians wearing armor pieces from the same set paired with a sensible shader, and all I could say was #NotMyDestiny.
That’s why I gotta rep Future War Cult in faction battle. Their perfect color combo of purple, red, and burnt orange just screams taste.
Seconded! I’m looking forward to rejoining the clan in my most gloriously ugly outfits this winter.
Oops! This comment section got toxic quick! Not that I want to weigh in on what amounts to “who counts?” when it comes to liking your chosen hobby. Nah, I’d rather talk about what drew me to Destiny in the first place, and what kept me interested enough to try the raids (and eventually beat them!) with my group of…
I constantly call myself a gamer aloud at parties to be cool and then only reference things from the Super Mario Brothers movie.
This guy knows.
Also agree it was generally pretty good. Setting up and putting together a group via LFG is a relatively decent amount of work for a video-game undertaking. I think it kind of weeded out the non-committed trolls who don’t feel like going through the work.
When they all come together it’s great. It’s just so few and far between that all the starts align for a good run. Whether it’s getting in with a good group off LFG, or even just finding the time among people you know to get together to give it a run. There are just so many barriers to having a good time with the…
[jacking off gesture]
One person’s anecdote, but my success rate in using LFG sites to find groups that weren’t assholes for destiny 1 was much better than I expected.
The thing about finding people via LFG... it just kinda depends on which LFG service you use. The only one I’ve really used is and I would recommend it.
You’re right, because I don’t consider myself a gamer, but I will absolutely defend this game as massively fun, even solo.
My boyfriend and I are interested in tackling the Nightfall one night this weekend. What’s your PSN name, again?