
Recently, I finally established the reason why I have a fascination with guns and cars and ships in Elite: Dangerous - it’s the convergence of form and function.

Because I don’t know the first real thing about Destiny, I’m simply upvoting for correcting the astronomical information. Did you know Elite Dangerous once had an early update that (paraphrased) “fixed color of atmospheric worlds for the correct chemical composition of the atmosphere”. The same goes for mineral and

I think everyone agrees that Destiny was sorely over-promised and under-delivered. But I started playing at House of Wolves, and having never really played any shooters before, was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Not for the “story”; not for the striking visuals; but for the pure, visceral joy of the gunplay. I

If you’re blessed by the Traveler to be a Titan, you need the Actium War Rig now, it’ll refill your clip from your ammo stores steadily, allowing you to fire Sweet Business for a loooong time.

They look, fire, and sound very cool, especially with a good sound system. My kids are impressed.

So, I don’t like playing online games. They stress me out; I play video games so I don’t have to feel nervous about competing against anyone else but myself. But for whatever reason—probably because I had a PS3 and I figured, why the hell not—I actually played a fair amount of Destiny. I never finished the big

Anyone know when the first DLC pack is coming out for Destiny 2? Because that’s when I told myself I’d pick it up, especially if there’s some kind of package discount at that time. With the game starting over at square one from a content standpoint, I’m not super interested in running the same handful strikes and

First time I’ve seen the phrase used in connection to video games. The average consumer isn’t a developer.

I hope you like foul language!

How am I still pending this is ridiculous.

So glad this feature is going to carry on. These are a great read and to me much better reviews than something like IGN puts together, they just come off more organic (Organic? Isn’t that just a buzzword that dumb people use to sound important).

Now playing

I’m going to copy & paste my thoughts from... elsewhere:

Well said. And now that they’ve totally nixed “the darkness” from the storyline I like to assume that the Traveler just had an interstellar breakdown and it happened to be over Earth.

For those who are complaining about story:

I didn’t play the first Destiny but I bought this over the weekend and I’m having a ton of fun so far. The story/lore is fine but I’m mostly just in it to kill a bunch of aliens. I don’t know if it’ll have the staying power of something like Overwatch for me, but for now it’s really hitting the spot. It helps that the

On a semi-related note, No Man’s Sky is actually a game worth getting now. I always enjoyed it more than most, although I would only pick it up on occasion. But the newest update came with some significant graphical and story upgrades that make it much closer to what it should have been at launch.

It was the rampant mistakes, unfounded and unjustified claim, and snippy arbitrary responses to posts with substance, that made me think you were trolling. Believe me, nobody at all is accusing you of thinking you are smart. Of all the unflattering descriptors that can be lobbed your way, ‘pretentious’ isn’t one of

It’s just going to be a little more work to make sure we curate the conversations worth having. Kinja’s hierarchy structure favors, in part, responses so making noise on the good comments has more value than the bad.

I really hate Kinja. You would never see people talking like this at the old Gameological site.

He should take a leaf out of your book with ‘cool comment bruv’ or ‘leave fanboy’ - both comments of merit, substance and distinction: clearly the product of an informed mind. If you’re going to pretend to troll it works better if you’re not called on it by everyone replying to you