
I actually stopped playing World of Warcraft this week, not because I don’t still enjoy it, but because it was literally causing my computer to overheat (California’s been going through an absurd heat wave, you see, and I have no AC. Alas and alack). I have been replaying Saints Row IV, though, and just soaking in its

I won’t be there tonight, but I hope everyone has a good time!

I predict it shall be a FAR less cute version of this:

I wish I were able to play FPS games so I could find a more organic reason to post this GIF, but it is what it is! :P

I was one of the people who was hyped for NMS leading up to launch but waited to pick it up and then saw the immediate backlash. So maybe now I can go in for a sort of blind experience for the first time.

Wonderful conversation - I was kinda out of the videogame loop until about 2013 when I found you guys, so my memories of 2012 are fuzzy at best. It was only 3DS for me then, and the promise of Kickstarter (which I think fundamentally transformed and rejuvinated the entire industry) hadn’t been realized completely.

I was kind of interested in Destiny 2 for a while hearing all the reviews but then remembered that it’s another game that uses compulsion tactics to keep you coming back for more and more. I have been able to kick the habits of WoW and Hearthstone in my life and I don’t need another game to scratch that itch.

I’ll still be switching between Overwatch and Dragon Age: Inquisition, as I have been for the past month or so. I’m working on the Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent DLCs in DA:I right now, just barely started both of them, and I’ve got 5 dragons left to slay so I’ll probably get all of that done before the next big plot

My slate at the moment is a healthy rotation of Splatoon 2, NieR: Automata, and Fire Emblem Heroes.

I have been loving these pics as you post them on Twitter. You’re really making me want to dive back into this game. If only there weren’t so much good TV also happening. And Splatoon. I just remember last summer sinking soooooooooo much time into No Man’s Sky and I’m not sure I can submit to that again right now.

It really does feel like we’re in a great period of human history if you look at video games alone and ignore everything else that’s happening! What a year of releases, and with at least one sure-to-be masterpiece yet to drop!

That conversation between you and 2012 you was way more interesting than it had any right to be! Good work!

My return to No Man’s Sky has stuck. I’ve actually engaged with base building for the first time, and I’m following the new story whenever I get the hankering for a more structured experience. The Atlas quest is a little bugged now, so it’s taking me twice as long as it should because I have to jump through a few

I remember my first time facing an encounter that turned out to be a No Win Scenario/Kobayashi Maru of sorts in gaming — Space Quest II. You reach the antagonist Vorhaul and he vaporizes you and I was really young when first playing it so I’d just learned to associate HUGE wall of text with “I guess I failed” and

My copy of NieR: Automatica arrived in the mail from an INTERNET STRANGER this past Saturday, so I’m going to put in as much time as I am able on that. I’ve avoided every spoiler I can for the game, and I know little else than you play though it multiple times, or something. I’ve just met Pascal. That’s about all I


My friend was over at my place the other weekend and he started playing Bloodborne...and promptly stopped playing it once he dies to the werewolf that he is supposed to die to (so the game can introduce you to the Hunter’s Dream and how death works). He was literally one loading screen from the next part of the game,

Now playing

I managed to get Windows 3.1 up and running in DOSBox last weekend, so I did a couple of runs through silly FMV game Paparazzi: Tales of Tinseltown. The object of the game is to track down celebrities in compromising positions and take photos of them. Even for a 1995 FMV game, it has aged poorly. The celebrity

Why is this not appearing under the Games section? I only found it in the endless scroll beneath another article. God damn it, Kinja.

D&D Update