
One other thing about draft night: Mexi was one of the people that set up to auto-draft, since he couldn’t make it to the first half. He showed up about 7 rounds in and did not have a single player on his team. Partly because of the ridiculous prices and partly because we’re dicks. He wound up leaving $71 on the


On Sunday, the Gameological Fantasy Football League Draft was conducted to the enjoyment of all. We promised ourselves at draft time that we wouldn’t repeat last year’s debacle and draft people for insane prices, but we were fooling ourselves. In fact, it was much, much worse.

Well, I’ll be damned.

Stupid question: how do you bold shit on here?

I wound up mostly enjoying ME:A and was really curious to see how the story developed throughout the series. Alas, we might never know. In my version of what happens Liam and Cora die between the first and second games. That is all.

That dude shaking the martini has a ridiculously small head.

I started over in Skyrim and am now frying people with Palpatine hands as a sorceress. I’m having a lot of fun zapping things in the game, but clearing the map is quite the daunting task; especially since I will be setting it aside come Tuesday.

Congrats on the marriage AND the pin! You are going to wear it on your suit on the big day, right?

I never knew I needed pictures in Shinigami’s comments, until they were added.

Awesome article, Anthony! This is classic Gameological goodness, right here!

Good article. Personally, I prefer mead over cider, though.

You have plenty of time to take in the visuals, since each lap is 20 minutes long.

Behind the monkey bars, after school.

Yes, one lap is enough for that goddamn track.

Way too long and once you get behind there is almost no way to make up ground.

If anyone picks Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64, we will have words.

It’d half to be Dino Dino Jungle from Double Dash, for me. It worked great for me Bowser, Jr./Diddy Kong combo, since the tight corridors made avoiding a giant shell and banana really hard. Dino Dino has lots of obstacles, multiple routes, and very slow moving dinosaur legs are easy to avoid, yet you’re somehow drawn

I’m going to blame Kinja for me using “higher” instead of “hire”.

Don’t stare directly at the circle, it won’t end well!