
A-fucking-men about ME:A. While scrapping the DLC was a pretty shitty move, shelving the entire series is a kick in the teeth. The game had huge flaws, but by the time I got to the end of the game, I was really curious to see where they’d take the story; and I wanted to know what happened to the Quarian ship. Guess

Good to see the old monachre back!

I will be firing Destiny back up next week in order to prepare for Destiny 2. Gotta get the timing and muscle memory back so I can continue to be merely alright at the game. Besides that, I’ll be wandering around Skyrim being a badass archer for higher.

You did just fine, Monk.

I appreciate your effort of trying to start a game conversation, but I think this is going to be the article used for “Hey, is this working?” or “Hey, this works!”

[blows on keyboard] Hello? Is this thing on?

This thing is 3 minutes from my house on a main thoroughfare and it is good to know it is just as ugly on the inside as it is on the outside. You definitely rubber-neck, while driving past it. What makes it even more jarring is the houses around it are so normal.

Matt, thank you for hard work, it is much appreciated. I for one will go with the transition and do my best to keep it scintillating.

Yep. I have no idea how to direct you there. I'll leave it to smarter people than myself.

Sounds great!

Is Season 1 any different from the straight up Pandemic? I've only played that one.

I've seen both of those on the floor. I'll try and check them out.

Will do. Chris Kluwe is also advertising his game. I should check it out, too. Board Game Geek has a big booth and was interviewing various people all day.

Agreed, the European version is way better because of roundhouses. It's nice to not be 100% screwed because a path is blocked.

And Patrick (caspian comic). Mr. Lee had some killer articles on here.

The Digest was always my favorite part of Gameological. Just seeing the camaraderie between the Gameological staff was great.


No more Fluka?! Damn. You could always join us on Dischord.

GenCon is in full swing, so I will be partaking in a lot of tabletop gaming action, enjoying really good cosplay, and marveling at the number of dudes with soul patches (for reals). Day 1 (yesterday) was my purchasing day and I wound up getting Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Card Game, Imploding Kittens (expansion to

I imagine there are gloves they can wear to add damage to melee attacks?