Maybe you'll have the option to hide the helmet in combat? I think Mass Effect 3 had that option?
Maybe you'll have the option to hide the helmet in combat? I think Mass Effect 3 had that option?
Sweet! I should be finished with Mass Effect: Andromeda and Horizon: Zero Dawn, by the time this comes out. I am curious why they aren't wearing helmets. Oh, and that Suros shotgun looks pretty cool. I am getting unreasonably excited.
He will shoot Kaiden or Ashley (depending on who's alive) at the end of the Cerberus attack on the Citadel mission in ME3, if you play your cards right. You just have to choose not to plead to Kaiden/Ashley's better nature, tell them to stand down, they'll hesitate, and Garrus will friggin' plug 'em. It only makes…
That's acceptable.
She's terrible, that's why I like to either shoot her myself or have Garrus do it in ME3.
I never knew I wanted a Lego Legion, but now it is all I want.
I usually leave Kaiden on Virmire and have Garrus shoot Ashley. Takes care of itself nicely. Oops, forgot to put spoilers for a 5 year old game.
If only. Clancy Brown is Clancy Brown and he is trying his damnedest with the dialogue he's given. Oh and the hair they gave him is the worst I have seen in the game.
Kaiden is always dead. Always.
Gameological user reviews are the only user reviews I give credence to.
Clancy Brown's big speech at the beginning was… not good.
I played for 20 minutes, last night. Why only 20 minutes? Because I used my jetpack, phased through a rock wall, and couldn't get out. There is no load from the most recent save option in the menu, so I had to exit to the main menu and reload from there. Fun times.
Those are good concerns. I've been trying to ignore everything about the game and go in blind, but Gerardi's and Agnello's tweets have me a bit worried.
I wouldn't be so sure.
No, you're wrong. STFU.
Gameological has always been a bastion of civility and we need to do what we can to make sure it stays that way. There aren't many friendly spaces on the interwebs, so let's keep Gameological welcoming.
I forgot about digital! Every villain's plan has a flaw.
Not if I buy every copy in existence out of spite.