
I will be making my way through Horizon: Zero Dawn. I am getting ready to do the Proving, but might tool around and explore some things first. My first impressions are nothing that you haven't heard before: it's beautiful, the combat it fluid, and the robot dinosaurs are tops blooby. I'd really like to sit down with

Whoa there, Hitler.

I'm doing this to get her a Land Rover Ranger Rover to make her flight from the Wild Hunt safe, comfortable, and stylish.

No kidding? I bet she makes 12576$ and hour!

Soft boy is my new bae.

I know what you mean, spambot. There's nothing I love more than to "have longer with friends and family".

This was a great review of The Witcher 3.

I will be playing Diablo 3 this weekend. I loved 2, but 3 is really hitting the sweet spot. It's flashy, the combat is quick, you don't have to worry about stat allocation, and the multiplayer feels like Gauntlet. I think the best part right now is that the game is not taking itself too seriously. Everything in 2 was

Airplane helmet for the win!

I've called her into the living room a couple of times to discuss non-video game things and she immediately responded "I don't care about your character's outfit."

This. I do not play relaxing games, in general. If I unwind in a game, it is usually doing a fashion show in Dark Souls or Destiny. If I am going to slaughter (or be slaughtered), I want to look good. Then, I usually excitedly ask my wife her opinion and am met with stony silence.

Attrition was the mode I had the most "fun" with. Their version of Destiny's Control was so-so and capture the flag can go fuck right off. I think I'll stick with Attrition.

I tried the multiplayer a couple of times and it was not a good time. Most of the time I was killed from across the map, before I had any time to react. One match, I didn't fire a shot at an enemy, yet I died 10-12 times from people cherry picking. It really kind of kills any motivation I have to continue playing

Agreed, you don't move quick enough for mob control, unlike in Bloodborne.

I find the suckiness comes from the dragonoid dudes hitting you like a fucking truck! They're tough buggers. Not to mention the Nameless King killed me more times than any other boss. Fuck that guy. The loot in that area is too notch, though.

That's a really good idea.

I'm blaming my phrasing on autocorrect.

MOAR DARK SOULS 3!!!! I have really, really been into this game, recently. I don't know what it is, but it has it's hooks into me. Maybe because I've been co-oping and that is really fun? Maybe because I have a very powerful pyromancer and setting things on fire is a good time? All I know is Archdragon Peak is

A lot of the controls are quick time events, so they're not too complicated. Missing a button cause my wife more worry than some decisions. I was told numerous times to shut up, even though I never said a word.

I have no horse in the race so while it may be cool to see Hotlanta win the Super Bowl, I want to see Goodell have to hand the trophy to Brady. Because fuck Goodell.