
This was after he retired. He apparently became an alcoholic and said he wanted to die.

My wife had started the new Tomb Raider, which was released for a PlayStation on Tuesday. Like the Uncharted series, it appears to be more of the same, mechanically, but it looks fantastic and the story is interesting so far (she's probably about 2-3 hours in).

Michael Phelps might be a pretty good choice for a therapist. He went through rehab and therapy himself, so I imagine he'd be very sympathetic.

Or he'd just want to play Triple Triad all night. I'd be fine with this.

I always say the Gameological community is a bizzaro internet, where insightfulness, civil discourse, and politeness are the norm.

This. This is truth.

Thanks! Trumpkin's write-ups blow mine out of the water, though.

That would be impressive in its own right.

Shit. My bad.

I thought about it, but the math didn't work. There are 30 starting QBs and 12 teams in our league. Each team could not have three QBs (2 starting, 1 on the bench), so half the teams in the league would've been screwed.

They need to stop winning. I am willing to embrace the 3-4 years of pure garbage via a full rebuild in order to get good draft picks.

Bigger obstacles have been overcome. Besides, all you need to do is just well enough to make the playoffs.

That’s more like it! Week 4 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League rebounded in scoring with most teams at least trying to be competitive. Here are Week 4’s results:

I mean, you can always build Joker another sex robot. That's what the future's all about, right?

Definitely go in higher than 360. It's doable, but you might have trouble doing enough damage to the second boss to make it through in time. I'm at 375 and we made it through to the first phase of the final boss no problem.

Wrath of the Machine is soooooo much better than King's Fall. You can go in with whatever class and subclass you want and be just fine. Although, Nightstalker and Defender are invaluable, as always.

Meh, they can be rebuilt.

That and you're good. Really good.

I'm not particularly good at Crucible, either. The IB loot is worth all of the frustration. I've gone from 367 light to 375 in three days. Thank you RNGesus!

Break a leg!