
Party Crasher or Matador 64, which people have been starting to call Map-ador because of the crazy range.

There is only one ending to ME3: Destruction. AI get what is has coming. Sorry EDI..

I upvoted the first three comments in this chain, then read this… AND UPVOTED IT!! DARK SOULS 4 LIFE!!

I may be in the minority here, but I really liked the Tali romance and Tali in general.

The main story may be butt, but was there a good amount of Adam Jensen butt in the game?

Supremacy is both interesting and terrible. It is everything I hate about the Crucible (shotguns), but the concept is kind of cool. Do you go for a bunch of crests lying in front of you or does your team leave them there and try to bait/ambush the enemy when they try to get them? All I know is that after a solid

MOAR DESTINY!! I've been playing a lot of the monthly PvP event Iron Banner (my favorite event in the game) and raiding. Iron Banner Supremacy (the new Crucible game type) can be fun, but it is mostly a shotgun fest, which is my nightmare. You can do all the strategizing you want, but it all goes to hell when a

I am terrible with snipers and shotguns in PvP. Fusion rifles are my thing and it feels like not a lot of opponents know how to deal with them. I have never gone flawless (my K/D is about the same as yours), nor will I ever go to the Lighthouse (unless some MLG people want to help me), but I'm fine with that. I

The game has a hell of a voice cast: Nolan North, Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Lance Reddick, Shohreh Aghdashloo (I wish I had her voice), Claudia Black. The list goes on and on. I just wished they had more dialogue.

I get that. As I said further down, I came into Destiny late in the game, so I missed a lot of the angst. Sounds like that was a wise choice on my part because it sounded like a bit of a shitshow in the beginning.

I completely agree with you on the poor drop rate for PvEers. Running nightfall strikes or the 350 heroic strikes could get you higher light, but some of those can be ungodly difficult. Just out of curiosity, do you not like PvP? As someone who plays a lot of PvP, I totally understand if you don't.

It is a good model, but [Mr. Krab's voice] money.

The price argument can be applied to any video game with DLC, especially if you do not buy a season pass. Hell, look at Fallout 4: if you didn't but the $50 season pass you'd have to throw down $80 to get all of the DLC. It is how video games are modeled nowadays. People may complain, but they will throw down the


Why's that?

I got into Destiny after The Take King DLC was released, so I missed a lot of the angst and problems that plagued the game in the beginning. As far as the nostalgia goes, I'm sure some people had a lot of fun with the final Gjallahorn quest. I never had a Year 1 version of the gun, but I loved how they showcased a

Losing by 0.26 points. That is fantasy football in a nutshell.

I think my team will get back on track, too. AJ Green doing AJ Green things last night will be a big help.

Week 3 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League was a thing that happened. I’m going to come right out and say this: everyone’s teams blow. There are maybe three teams worth a damn and the rest are just horrid. Check out Week 3’s results:

Iron Banner starts on Tuesday. It'll be Supremacy, so get ready for a gigantic shotgun fest.