
Pssst, Unexpected Dave! You can go back to your normal name, now. Your punishment is over.

I was MIA for most of this, but I say you don't veto a trade unless it's obvious collision or if it is so unbalanced, one person is obviously taking advantage of another.

BTW, you may want to update your roster. Two of your starters are out for the year.

With the exception of two teams, Week 2 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League was a low scoring affair. After two weeks Thundergun is showing everyone his team is a powerhouse and last year’s juggernaut, Trumpkin, is having problems. Trumpkin has been wheeling and dealing like crazy, so his

Agreed on all accounts. If it were up to me, shotguns would not be in the game. The new maps are pretty crazy with so many winding paths, but they seem to funnel people towards the center. I'll be interested to play different game modes on the maps because right now Supremacy is just 12 people packed into one

I tried that for 20 minutes, then said nope.

Destiny: Rise of Iron is taking over my life. So. Many. New. Items. It's making my head spin. The new story was pretty good (the final story mission was very creepy) and the new social space and patrol area are cool. As ever, all of the new weapons have a unique feel and the combat is snappy.

You've got good wine, so it's not all bad.

Solid name! Mine's Shartnado.

The longer Charles is out the bigger the chance Ware keeps the starting job. I'm in good shape barring inevitable injuries.

You should thank the Bills for being the Bills, rather than Forte.

I did not see that. Trumpkin talks a lot, especially for a team that put up 82 points.

Total domination was the result of Week 1 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. After one outing we can already tell who the ultimate champion will be from here on out. Here are Week 1’s results:

Oh and teabagging. There was a lot of teabagging, but it's okay since it's amongst friends.

You're connected to the whole party, even the other team. Much taunting was going on. Hearing people you kill either groan or curse is pretty great.

Ha! It was a blast, but even I'll admit my arcblading/blinking was absolutely ridiculous and I would have RAGED if that had happened to me in regular PvP.

I'll be out of town this weekend, but when I come back, it'll be Destiny: Rise of Iron nonstop forever. One of the more welcome things that has come with the expansion is private matches. Doing a Rumble or Skirmish match on a map of your choosing with just your friends is a ton of fun. Especially if you come up with

Welcome to the party! I think Destiny is a lot of fun. I haven't played Overwatch, but I am sure Destiny is more serious in tone for no reason whatsoever. The shooty aspects are my favorite out of any FPS I've played. The guns sound great and there is such a wide variety that you can choose what works for you.

Nice! I helped my wife draft her team in my other league and it is leaps and bounds better than my own. I did too good of a job.

Greetings! Football has started and that means it is time for Week 1 of the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. We had some additional turnover since last year (we lost the commish: Naked Snake), but we were able to field a league with 12 teams! Thanks to all who played last year and a special