
You should! I highly encourage it.

Nice! Trials is usually fun for two matches, then sadness sets in.

This is exactly what I did. The second go round was very enjoyable. Great soundtrack, too.

Stop the presses because I'm going to be playing Destiny this weekend. I should say I will try to play it unless PSN is down or Bungie has another 14 hours worth of maintenance. If that's the case, I'll probably play some Uncharted 4 and Tales from the Borderlands.

No game playing for me this weekend, since I'm currently in DC visiting some friends. If last night is an indication, my liver will be doing work for the next few days.

I had a great time at GenCon. I wound up getting the Dragon Age RPG. With any luck I'll get a game started soon, just have to finish reading the rule book. I've never GM-ed anything. Any advice?

You could create a new character.

This was my reaction, too. Damn.

If you don't like it, fine, but if someone expresses why they enjoy the game in a clear, logical, level-headed manner, then you should respect that opinion. Discuss why you don't like it without saying people who enjoy the game are wrong. Civil discussion is what set The Gameological Society apart from a large

I'll have to check that out!

Agreed. I think people don't talk about the game as much because Denis Dyack is an awful human being.

Those are some great gaming choices, right there.

World War I going through the church, which I think is the creepiest part of the game. My insanity meter was full, so I was hallucinating all over the place.

I may have a beer or two when playing video games (with table top games all bets are off), but after a THC experience with Eternal Darkness (my cat jumped on my shoulders during the game and I nearly shit myself and my reaction caused the poofiest cat tail I've ever seen) I put the kibosh on those shenanigans.

Listen to anxie about Insight. You can by some pretty good gear with frenzy protection with insight and flame/lightning buffs for your weapons.

I do know that you will shoot better in Mass Effect without beer or THC. You can take that to the bank.

I've been jumping back into Destiny recently and am finishing up a couple of tasks before Rise of Iron comes out in September and takes over my life. In between disheartening sessions of PvP, I'll be firing up No Man's Sky to decompress and enjoy things. My wife will be starting Tales from the Borderlands, which I

Here you go. Let me know if it doesn't work.

I got word that another team will be dropping out. Are you still interested?

I went in expecting nothing more than space prospecting and quiet exploration. Therefore, I was not disappointed. This is a good game you can play in small chunks and wind down. I heard it described as a zen garden and I'd have to agree. This is a zero stress game and I appreciate that.