
My boys enjoy watching it quite a bit and like to help me name planets.

Can this comment be inserted into every article about how No Man's Sky "broke promises it made at E3"? This is spot on.

The takes… So… Hot…

Yes, I have been to several dead planets. The one positive of those planets is it is really easy to find resources, shelters, etc, from a long distance away in the air.

I had flashbacks to the frogs and bats in the Sonicman level. I don't think anything killed me more than those frogs.

Watching the video clips I forgot about Dynaman pooping dynamite sticks on your head. Just goes to show you'll play anything, when it's the only thing you've got.

It was. My eyes could only take it for so long.

I played the crap out of the MS DOS version of Mega Man. The computer I used didn't have the best graphics, so played it in the only colors that matter: cyan, magenta, white, and black. Great game*.


I was about to ask the same thing. The early descriptions of the game were spot on. I've read people complaining about broken promises and whatnot and am not sure what that's about.

If you want to get a fireteam going for IB, I'm down.

I am taking a bit of a break from playing No Man's Sky. Not because i do not like it or am burnt out, but Iron Banner has started up again for Destiny and it is my favorite event. I've been shooting some fools with other Gameological folks and have been having fun commencing in jolly cooperation. It is a welcome

When your character misses the teeter-totter and lands head first on the ground was pretty grim, especially your character slowly flailing it's arms after smashing its head.

Indeed it does! Did you pull that from the manual or did you know all that off the top of your head?

Time compression.

If this is your first auction draft, there are mock ones you can do on Yahoo to get a feel for it. They get pretty crazy, so it might be worth it to get a feel for them.

Your request for an alternate spot is accepted. Hit me up on the Gameological Group on Steam and send me your email address. Worst case, we'll redshirt you this year and you can get a spot, if a starter drops out next year.

As I mentioned to Thundergun, hit me up on the Gameological Group on Steam and send me your email address, so we can get you on.

Hit me up on the Gameological Group on Steam and send me your email address, so we can get you on.

I'm glad they're soft because if they were at the other end of the spectrum, it'd be creepy.