
It's that time of year, again. Time for the Gameological Block& Tackle Fantasy Football League! This year we lost 3 teams: DrFlimFlam, TheKappa, and NickelbackCreed69 Otakunomike. However, we quickly filled those spots with Unexpected Dave, Carlton Hungus, and Mexican-American Martian. Here are this year's

As of right now, I have not seen any options to build structures. Doesn't mean it won't happen, though.

Are you saying you want to deregulate space prospecting?

That is my biggest beef, right now. Hopefully a patch will solve that issue, but it is bullshit.

I'll be playing the shit out of Destiny, when Rise of Iron comes out.

Letting materials go goes against everything I've ever learned in video games. Lots of internal conflict going on when I decide to dismantle items.

It's gotten much better now that I've found and purchased extra storage slots for my exosuit. That has made a huge difference.

I agree with you that Valiant Hearts was really good, but the boss fights were a bit hokey. The overarching story was excellent, though.

You basically get paid to do basic? When did spambot learn shitty wordplay?

That botanical gardens is the stuff of nightmares.

Twenty systems?! Slow down there! I've been playing for three days and have just now left the galaxy I started in.

Rift mage is where it's at.

I'll be curious what you think of No Man's Sky. I was very dubious, as well, but it has it's hooks in me… right now.

Like 99% of my fellow Gameologicons, I'll be playing No Man's Sky. I was very dubious about this game, but after watching a couple Let's Plays the lure of being a space prospector and explorer was too great. I am really enjoying the game so far.

NIN's mixture of industrial and ambient music on Quake was excellent. Not to mention it was smack dab in the middle of Trent Reznor's heyday.

Oh yeah. I've also had a couple where the thumbstick would warp from use and the pad would tilt slightly to the right. Such a crappily constructed controller.

Maybe I'm just hell on controllers. I never shattered them in fits of rage, but this was in college so lord knows what I did to them in altered states.

Once you figured out the layout, you caught on pretty quick. My biggest beef with the N64 controller was it was extremely fragile. The joystick was the first thing to go, then the A and B buttons would stick, and god forbid you dropped the thing and knocked something loose inside. I went through several controllers

If time compression worked for FF8, it could work for this.

Excellent! We have some space, I'll contact you shortly.