
I was just going to ask about that. We'll have to contact Naked Snake. Are you ready to reprise your title of GOAT?

I should be able to make this one.

South Park: The Stick of Truth was a great turn-based RPG. They still exist, they're just few and far between.

I will gladly listen to Furi's soundtrack all day, but playing it is a different story.

I really enjoyed Child of Light. I know I have said this many times, but if you can get past the forced rhyming dialogue, then you're good. The combat is very quick and the soundtrack is the best thing about the game. I really enjoyed the story, too, especially in the final act. Moving and bittersweet.

Are you going to have the honor of reviewing No Man's Sky?

Yeah, I'm mashing things, too, with a big ass mace. It's just the stagger that gets me. I have a fire charm attached to my weapon, but I might try switching it up to some sort of other damage. S&S definitely gets the Souls-y banging your head against the wall feeling very well.

Yeah, but then you can just buy his affection with gifts. Solid life lesson, right there.

If you have any interest (or a PS3), I'd recommend playing Mass Effect and playing as the female Shepard. Jennifer Hale's voice acting is so friggin' good in that series and way better than her male counterpart.

This is the reason I'm holding back, too. If the memory cards dropped to a reasonable price, I'd really consider it.

Are you there? I'll be there Saturday.

I hear you on the age thing. My youngest wanted to go (he's 8), but he doesn't have the patience for a lot of board games. I did sign up my oldest up for a no-stakes Pokemans tournament for the second year in a row (he's 13). Yes, there was some jealousy between them, but when isn't there between brothers.

This weekend, I'm going to GenCon so my weekend will be filled with board games. If any of my fellow Gameologigorgons are going to be there on Saturday, hit me up.

That baby is such a jerk!

Kenny needed to be put down. He was a threat to everyone he came into contact with. Jane can at least teach Clem some survival skills before she predictably ditches her.

I was going to jokingly answer Merve's question with "life", but in your case it's true. Boo-urns to bed bugs.

Good to know. I took one look at the skill tree and shuddered, so I am sure have weapons match that for optimal damage is needlessly convoluted.

Yeah, it is a complete mystery. I got to play a little this morning and got my ass handed to me over and over again. Still having fun, but Souls-esque frustration was starting to set in.

Nice! Apparently, you can co-op. We may need to try that.

It's pretty great. Once you get used to the speed of the combat, you'll be golden. Just keep in mind that the blunderbuss is your friend against bosses and invasions, since it covers a a wider area. Also, the Hunter's Axe (a starting weapon) carried me through the entire game.