
This weekend I will be playing something new: Salt & Sanctuary the side scrolling Dark Souls clone. The sprites are very well designed and it almost has a Blade of Muramasa-ish look to it. The combat is Souls-y where timed strikes and rolling can save your ass if you do it right. There's a lot of little things like

Damien Lemon might be the best contestant on Pick A Choice.

Madagascar. The jeep is too fast for the winding trails and having to actually use a wench is a terrible idea.

Dark Souls 3 gets my vote, but there are several I need to add to my backlog, including Oxenfree, Darkest Dungeon, and Firewatch. Oh, and I need to finish Uncharted 4. The jeep-driving section is really testing my patience, though.

It sporadically pops up and is still consistently great. The To the Bitter End article a couple weeks ago about Fantasy Zone was really good.

This. This is the truth.

This reminds me of the rationale behind all of the super-sex-i-fied characters in the Witcher universe: witches/warlocks can use magic to make themselves really attractive. So if wizards can make themselves super hot, then why can't they make outfits to accentuate said hotness? Would you tell a wizard their outfit

Magic. Magic is the only way an outfit like that can be worn.

Even Bayonetta would think Fiore's outfit is ridiculous.


Holy crap, you're right! Here I thought it was a black and taupe motley she was wearing, but those are indeed cutouts. Oh video gamez…

"…the sorceress Fiore, who’s apparently such a respected magical researcher that she’s allowed to trade out her traditional robes and dresses for a skintight patchwork costume accessorized with a cat tail and black angel wings."

Chicken wing flavored chips? Do they actually taste like the chicken component or just hot sauce?

Are you going follow up that Crystal Pepsi with a Coke II?

Of course it won't. Oh well, I'll just put it on my list of games I dearly want, but will never come out like a new Final Fantasy Tactics, and a remastered version of Tenchu Stealth Assassins.

That looks better than some of the others and the customization is neat, but it still felt like it was lacking something.


I am flabbergasted that there are no good Gundam games, either. Take a look at this shit:…
That was released on the PS4! Holy hell that looks friggin' awful!

The tow-rope is the kind of hyper realism I could do without.

I will keep an eye out for that one.