
Seriously?! Wish I knew about that when I started playing it. I blame you for not letting me know earlier.

Spambot's coherency has really improved. One step closer to Skynet.

This weekend I will continue my adventures in Uncharted 4 and curse the gods for making me drive a shitty, shitty jeep in a non-driving game. I discussed this with some people and it handles like the Mako combined with every car from LA Noire. It's too fast to properly navigate the winding roads you're on and your

The main character's strut, while this is playing is perfect. The headphones, hands in pockets, slightly slumped shoulders while walking, hair in eyes all make for an instantly believable teenager.

My non-Mario related music choice for a cool summer track for cruising around town would be the Iwatodai Dorm music from Persona 3. It a perfect summer earworm.

Yeah, it's pretty great. You can argue there are plenty of awful Mario Kart tracks (64 Rainbow Road, I'm looking at you), but I do not think there are any bad songs in the Mario Kart games.

Listening to the theme from Mario Kart 64's Koopa Troopa Beach makes me want to sit on the beach, sip a Mai Tai, and watch people throw turtle shells at each other. Very relaxing.

We all have our own personal kryptonite.

Just make yourself vomit. Vomit is instant go home material.

This is one of my favorite Gameological moments.

10 points to Gryffindor Unexpected Dave!

I am totally with you, there. After my inevitable death, looking up said monster in the bestiary became very handy.

The kane is a lot of fun. If you're going for a dex build the Blades of Mercy are great. I also really like the Whirligig Saw from the DLC, too.

The only fight I need a refresher on is Oryx because it is overly complicated in my opinion. The whole timing of detonating the orbs then running to damage him gets a little overwhelming.

The innkeep I played had a Skellige deck and annihilated me and my stacked Northern Realms deck. The Cerys card he had was particularly good. I. Must. Have. Them. All.

Well, shit. Oh well, that is a fun boss fight to complete solo, anyway.

I'm down for raids. I have yet to complete the Kingsfall on any mode, let alone hard. Came close twice, but fatigue set in (2 AM was my limit) on one playthrough and a jackass playing with us was the downfall of the other.

If you get invaded, the blunderbuss will be your best friend. It has a wide spray, as opposed to the pistols, so you can catch people a little easier in hopes of countering them. I found the quicker weapons to be the best, particularly Ludwig's Holy Blade. Enjoy Bloodborne, it's great!