
The first thing I did in Blood & Wine was walk up to the innkeep and play Gwent. I have a problem.

Reading your bestiary is very helpful, too. If you see a monster, look it up, and apply the correct oil to your sword. The right oil can make all the difference in a fight.

I think the Reaper indoctrination explained what Cerberus was doing. They corrupted the Illusive Man into thinking that implanting Reaper tech into people would make them better capable to combat the Reapers, when it just made them their pawns. It really showed how the Reapers operate. Sure they can annihilate

Hakkon is worth it only to get tier 5 items to craft insanely powerful weapons, which you will need in Trespasser in order to not constantly die.

It's very Game of Thrones-y.

I read that as $6-8 dollars monthly. Unfortunately, that's probably closer to the actual mark.

Skellige seems like the part where everyone gets fatigue. Cerys is a pretty great character and one that I wish had a bigger role than just in the election bit.

Dang. Well I hope that's not the case with Bastion. I started Blood & Wine, got through the giant fight and round of cut scenes, then turned it off. Once I used my Witcher senses to run around and investigate the murder scene, I found I just didn't have the patience for all of the exploring that will be required.

This is it. This is the week I finally put Destiny down and start a new game. Now I just have to decide if it will be Uncharted 4 or Bastion. I would dive into The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine, but I don't know if I have the patience for that right now.

You should be everyone's FFT Sherpa.

Good. Just checking.

This strategy should be etched in stone, as it is the only way to win this fight.

Does sandbagging count as cheating in Euchre?

Normally, I like to give a game a lot of leeway before I start cheating, but once I laid siege to the The Wolf's castle in Stronghold all bets were off. His fortress is huge, has tons of crossbowmen, and is completely surrounded by pitch. On my initial attack on his fortress, I sent almost all of my men to their

Welcome to The Gameological Society, Caty! Thank you for introducing some of us to a great video game, a very good article, and for sharing such a personal story.

Punderdrome seems like it has a lot of puntential. That was terrible, I'll see myself out.

But that's every day.

I almost did, too, but I'm glad I stuck with it. The ending was good and stuck with me for a while.

Before this, the only other time I've heard of The Long Dark was Staggering Stew-Bum's review. Very entertaining stuff.

My brother and I would throw them as high as we could straight up in the air, then dodge out of the way when they came back down. My parents were fine with this. I think I need to reconsider our relationship.