

Once you get used to the horrible forced rhyming dialogue, the story Child of Light gets really good and bittersweet. It has a phenomenal soundtrack, too.

As soon as Iron Banner ends on Destiny, I'm taking a bit of a break from the game. I'm thinking of jumping into Uncharted 4 or Bastion next. I also picked up all 5 episodes of Tales from the Borderlands for $4.50 on PSN's summer sale; and Papers, Please from Steam. That's a lot of gaming.

Then grow more hands.

Papers, Please is only $5. I've go no excuse not to play it and be depressed anymore.

Is it sad boy? Sad boy was pretty off-putting for me.

This is pretty cool. Everyone should check it out.

I'm not a PC person, either, but I do play FTL because FTL friggin' rules. I've also heard very good things about Kentucky Route Zero. Whether or not these are on Mac is a different story.

Well, I was going to take a break from Destiny after this week's Iron Banner, but it was cancelled due to a glitch. That glitch was patched and it will start next week. Every time I think I'm done, it pulls me back in.

The slow-motion profile shot of Jon's cavalry charging was fantastic.

Hands down it was Katsuhiro Harada.

All we know is Gerardi lives somewhere in NYC, so that totally narrows the area we have to search.

Probably inquired about how many teraflops the PS4 could process vs the Xbone.

Anor Londo is when Dark Souls really brings the pain.

How's Dark Souls treating you?

The Murder Report is no more, sadly.

That's a good question. It might be a lot like the new Tomb Raider games where they're neat to play, but once I'm finished I don't really need to go back. The only difference is it looks like Horizon does not have any lakes of blood.

More gameplay would've been nice, but if the shooty parts are anything like ME3 I'll be happy. As I have said before, I do not understand why you do not have a small ship to traverse the land instead of a Hummer. It's the goddamn future!

The Mass Effect: Andromeda preview looked pretty sweet.

I wish I was able to play Horizon: Zero Dawn. I thought the demo looked great and showing the ability to reprogram the robot dinosaurs to work for you is a really neat concept.