
The fuck?

The Mako is coming back, that much I know. But a more refined version of those planets would be cool.

Another Citadel-hub would be pretty cool. I think they have an opportunity to do something really cool with the open world sections, like a more focused Witcher 3 in space. Don't get me wrong, I really liked Witcher 3, but the maps are a bit overwhelming. I concur that there should be plenty of dungeoneering, as

I'm dubious, as well, but have there been a lot of open world space games? (Yes, yes, I know about No Man's Sky, but that's never coming out.) I mean games that drop you on a planet and you can explore a vast swath of land and blast things in the face?

I'd like to find out more details about Mass Effect: Andromeda. Particularly if it will be open world like Dragon Age: Inquisition.

We will have to discuss when I'm finished.

We sat down and played for about 2 hours and I have a feeling we are getting pretty close. I am not looking forward to seeing what's in the attic.

Good point. Carry on.

Thanks. This game is stingy with it's money to begin with. Guess I'll have to go to all of those question marks I still have remaining over in Skellige to pay for all of this shit.

Now you suggest this to me?!

These are good suggestions; however, May 8th was also my wife's birthday and I could not skip that.

I let O'Dimm take what he wants. In no way do I want to anger that guy.

I have them and one of these days I will not have something going on on the 8th of the month.

That clip is spot on. The whole game you're Omar with Kenards waiting around every corner.

The voice acting is great! The tearful answering machine message asking Sam to pick-up is more disconcerting the farther we get into the game.

Do you not have the storage box back in the armory in Skywatch?

The Heart of Stone DLC was very well done and I'd recommend picking it up. Definitely, take a break from the game before diving in because you'll likely spend 80-100 hours playing the main game instead of 40.

This weekend I'll be playing The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine if the 5 million update files have installed by now; and maybe throw in a little (probably a lot) Destiny as well.

I want a new Final Fantasy Tactics to be announced. It will never happen, but a man can dream.

My wife and I are going to play it together, so I am ready for an experience.