
This is another travel weekend for me, so there won't be a lot of time for video games. When I get back, I'm going to dive into The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine DLC. I'll also throw in a little Valkaryia Chronicles and maybe some Uncharted 4, too. Oh! Gone Home is free with PS Plus this month, so I've got to add that to

…talk my way into the bed of an old-world Hollywood starlet who’d shoved her brain into a robot body that looked like a trashcan on tank treads…

I saw Founders has a Frangelico Oatmeal Stout on nitro. Hope to god it's still there tomorrow!

I die enough playing these games. I don't need the one thing I trust—bonfires—to betray me, too.

No, this is a terrible idea and I'm also surprised they didn't add this in DS3. It's making me angry just thinking about it.

While there are a shitton of mimics in Dark Souls 3, they do at least supply you with a Hunter's charm that you can toss at the chest and put them to sleep. Those items allow you to get 3-4 more swings before it pops up and tries roundhouse kicking you in the face, Road House-style.

This weekend the missus and I will be road tripping to Michigan to tour several breweries, with the ultimate destination being Founders. So, no video games for me. That means on Monday I'll probably veg-out and play some Iron Banner in Destiny. Yay for hungover video game playing!

This game sounds gloriously depressing! The character pieces are really well designed, but the picture showing everything thing out of the box gave me a headache. How easy is it to pickup and start playing? Is it the kind of game where you need to open it up and scour through the manual the day before a game night?

30 minutes to an hour?! That's bananas! Destiny might take 2 minutes to get a match set up, but the PvP matches themselves are only about 10 minutes long, story missions, too. Raids can take hours to complete, but they do include checkpoints. Overwatch sounds awful in comparison.

They're all going to be wearing their dress sweat pants and patterned tank tops, this year.

They can be the same thing.

Aw, shucks!
[kicks rock bashfully]

Go on…

I'm picturing you punctuating this statement with jazz hands.

Hot damn!

It must've been a slow week.

I must've missed that announcement. Boo-urns.

NOOOOOO!!!! First no more of The Digest and now no more Murder Reports? I was planning on drinking tonight, anyway, but this gives me a reason to.

As always, I am looking forward to the E3 Murder Report.

I will never understand why they chose to traverse planets in a tank, instead of a smaller, three-person shuttle.