
Yeah, the Zweihander in DS1 is beastly. The weapons in DS3 feel more balanced.

When I'm not doing yard work, I will be playing Dark Souls 3 with my pure strength build. I've got a +4 Black Knight Greataxe and with 40 strength the game is kind of on easy mode, right now. I'm to the point now where I'm actually having fun with the game (crazy what using a good weapon can do for morale) and I feel

Cool! I'll have to remember that for the DLC.

Axis & Allies. We would start the game on Friday night at a friend's house, then finish it up on Saturday. We would play Risk, too, but that would usually end with someone flipping the board (not me).

I'd give that a whirl. You hit the nail on the head about savory drinks. A shot is all I really need when it comes to Blood Marys; and it better be spicy as hell.

I might have to try your Mars drink.

We have done that with The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. It's more me giving advice on shoot straight (I think I'm being helpful) that makes her want to play alone. I realize I am the problem.

Happy early birthday! My wife made a cocktail last night that consisted of gin, muddled blackberries, a little bit of lime juice (from one wedge), and fresh mint as a garnish. It was maroon in color, tart, and went down way too easy. You could call it a "Sailor Mars"…

Sometimes while I'm driving to work, I'll have cringe-inducing flashbacks to my high school days. You know, all of those moments you look back on and want to scream "NOOOOOOOO!!!" in slow-motion at your younger self. I am so happy those days are 99% behind me now.

Yep, I only went to the question marks there when I ran out of money. I collected the goods, then sold them. It was a solid plan, especially for the DLC merchant quest.

That's crazy distance! Looking at videos posted on various outlets, PvP looks really strange this time around. Lots of people running around naked and throwing dung pies.

Exactly what I was thinking. Also the hand-face monsters. The hell are those things, anyway?

I like this idea a lot. One of the things I liked in DS2 was the wide range of catalysts you had available. I tended to go for the ones that had a higher cast speed over high damage. It was more important to me to throw spells at a target than doing 50 more points of damage. I prefer my casters to be glass

My wife usually asks me how that book I'm reading is and I know it is time to shut up.

Wait till you hit Ithryll Dungeon, there are some Lovecraftian, nightmare fuel monsters lurking around.

That stinks. Did they nerf magic because people complained about it in PvP?

Holy shit, I'd play that hell out of that game!

The USS Constitution section was one of my favorite missions. All robots should wear admiral hats.

In Witcher 3, I hit a wall once I got to Skellige. Skellige is awesome, but I took one look at all the question marks on the map and said nope.

I'll bring the Mai Tais!