
It may be just me, but magic seems a bit broken in DS3. I created a sorcerer, got my intelligence up to 25 and noticed only a 2-3 point damage increase in my spells. Apparently, magic's damage doesn't really kick in until you get 50 intelligence and the soul spear spells. So it sounds like they tunes magic like

"Final Fantasy Tactics with Bioware storytelling finesse…"

This. This is the truth.

Yes, it worked just fine.

This weekend I'll be playing Landscaping: Dandelion's Revenge. When I am not doing that I'll probably be playing Dark Souls III and Destiny. My wife gets to have the first shot at Uncharted 4, so I'll be watching her play that and try to give her "helpful" advice, which will then lead me to being banished to the other

There are a lot of indie titles available on the PS Store:

Good point, I did not think of that. The More You Know…

Back in the early days of the AVC, when it was just a movie and music review site, there were no grades attached to the reviews. Personally, I think people are lazy and just look at the grade and skip the review. If you remove the grade, people will be more inclined to read the article. Removing grades would be

I need to finish up a couple of the games I'm playing before Tuesday because once this arrives at my house, my wife is taking over the PS4 for the foreseeable future.

Considering you can use "brute force" to get through most of the fights, I think PUNCHARTED 4 will work just fine.

It will always occupy a small place in my heart, despite all of its flaws because it was one of the only video games I had; and it was better than playing Barnstorming, Air-Sea Battle, or E.T. (I played this a lot, too) on our Atari. I will give you that walking around any location that had mountains in the

I can see why people have a problem with that.

Is it turn-based like XCOM or Final Fantasy Tactics or is it a different mechanic?

Counterpoint: War in Middle Earth was terrible:

Pffft! Annual evaluations are a joke. My evaluation said I "can sometimes have a negative attitude". Shows what they know. I'm always negative about work!

I wish Elcor would refer to humans as "meat bags".

Classic Facetaco!

Profound excitement: I really want this.

[runs in out of breath]

My toughest loss was losing my best friend and Colonel of my XCOM squad. He was on my team from the beginning and the best goddamn Assault soldier around. It all came to an end, when he missed a 90% success rate shot with an Alloy Cannon and a goddamn Sectopod blasted him in the face with its chest cannon. His real