

DL and I are doing that tonight, actually!

Inspired by Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind AND Fantastic Planet?!

Man, I forgot how good of a song "The Pod" is! I really liked their other album Downward is Heavenward, too.

And you easily killed it and all was well, right?

I meant in the NES version.

That is the most Souls-y thing I have ever heard.

Are they worse than the birds in Ninja Gaiden?

It feels like they added the combat speed from Bloodborne into DS3. I feel like DS2 is the easiest out of the three (the DLCs are tough, though), however the Scholar of First Sins adds way more mobs to the game, especially at the beginning. I'd honestly play Bloodborne before jumping into DS3. It would get you used

I should have listened to the message saying "Turn back" and not ignored the copious amounts of bloodstains in the area.

That ring sounds amazing! I have not fought the first major boss yet (just the tutorial one), but that will be first on my list.

Leliana is pragmatic.

Bleeding is pretty strong in this game. The half-naked samurai taught me that the hard way. Yes, this is a thing in the game.

I may just need to "git gud". I started out as a Herald (solid stats, 100% damage prevention shield, no fat roll) and had a bit of difficulty with the spear. I've since switched to a long sword and things have gotten better. I think part of the problem is I've gotten used to Bloodborne's health recovery system, so

I agree, getting a handle on the stats is always a challenge in the first go of a Souls game. The knights I've run into are the ones giving me the most trouble (especially a blue one carrying the Dragon Crest shield), but I am enjoying the fights. Like I said, I'm still early on so once I get a good weapon (I'm

Like most people, I will be playing Dark Souls 3. I don't know what I was expecting, but this game feels a lot harder than the others and I feel really under-powered right now (I'm only 3-4 hours in) and am getting my ass handed to me by the base enemies running around. I mean everything hits like a truck in this

That would be awesome!

Lesson learned.

No zombies, those are old hat.

I love Bloodborne and you are correct about the aliens, but I want a Souls game with laser rifles, jet boots, and robots.