
Oh shit, I forgot about Armored Core! Yes, I would welcome another one of those games.

Part of me wishes this is the last Souls game (or at least the last incarnation of this form). I want From to move onto a different genre other than your typical sword and board action RPG. I would love it if they designed a Souls-like game set in space where you fight aliens and/or robots. A Souls robot sounds

Me neither. They do give you 20% off the price for pre-ordering, so that's some consolation, but it is disappointing to not have it day of. Maybe, in the past, they had several games ship and arrive before the official release date? They can get fined a shitton from the developer for doing that.

They are tough but fair. The very beginning of these games is the hardest part because you are very under-leveled and poorly equipped. Once you get better gear, more health, stamina, etc, the game is manageable.

I'd love to play this tonight, but my pre-order is not coming until tomorrow at 8 PM. Thanks, Amazon! So, I'll just be a day behind on all of the exploration and dying. Boo-urns.

Nothing wrong with using guides. As a completionist, I endorse it.

Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.

Your tolerance for angst has never been high? Then why do you frequent internet comment sections?

Oh, beema!
[cue canned laughter/applause and wacky outro music; roll credits]

Triple Triad was almost as fun as FF8, itself.

That was one of my only gripes about the game. All of the additions from the first version aren't even challenges, they're just difficult for difficulty's sake. If you make it to any of the DLC, the Crown of the Sunken King has what's lovingly referred to as The Gank Squad. Yes, I know other people have defeated

Going to work on Tuesday will be rough knowing that DS3 is sitting there waiting for me.


The whole gimmick of Scholar of the First Sin is they updated it to add swarms of enemies in certain sections of the game. Because fighting three enemies at once was not a big enough challenge, so let's through in a couple red phantoms to fend off, too.

"Witness Gaxkang!" is a great villain catchphrase.

True. I just remember the mechanics of the fight being needlessly difficult with all of his space ninjas running around.

Yes! I will be really interested in see how the Kai Leng fight near the end goes using only fits.

You say you didn't kill, but what did you do about arms?

This weekend I will be trying to finish up what I can in Destiny before the big update on Tuesday. What else is happening on Tuesday? Oh that's right, Dark Souls 3 comes out! Praise the sun and let the pain begin!

Time compression was a big part of my high school experience, too.