
Just like real life!

Agnello pulling out the deep cuts, today. Is there a finite number of cats that can be added to the house or do they keep piling them in, until it becomes unmanageable?

I remember watching it in the theater and hearing the 70 year-old man sitting next to me say "Oh god!", then start crying. That was fucked up.

They probably have no clue who they are going to kill, hence not showing who got the bat. They're probably going to wait till after contract negotiations to make a final decision.

Ooooo! Intriguing! I'll look into that one.

I honestly have no idea, but there is a thread for everything, nowadays, so I'm sure there's something out there.

I suggest this at every board game night with friends. One of these days they will bite and we will play it through to the wee hours.

True. I eventually solved the problem by sending him to the Fort and never going there.

I was obnoxiously referring to Infinite. Anyone who hasn't played that game, but reads the comment section has to know about the ending.

I knew holding onto my plaid shirts was a good idea! Fitting into them, again, is a different story.


Chrontums sounds like a pain medication. I suppose "Chronitomitrons" is too silly for a game like this.

While that is tempting, my Japanese is really rusty (i.e. non-existent) and I wouldn't be able to follow the story at all. That being said, if it was in English I still wouldn't be able to tell what the hell the story is about.

Your neutral experiment for Mass Effect was really interesting. I say try it again here.

There's a mod for the PC version that stops Preston from constantly giving you new missions. I have no idea why they won't incorporate that into a patch for the consule versions.

Yes, I do not own an XBone.

I've been having a lot of fun playing Iron Banner PvP on Destiny with some fellow Gameologirinos and will probably continue that this weekend. Other than that, I'll continue to patiently await for Dark Souls 3 to be released.

What a lovely sign-off!

The way your comment started out I thought a spambot took over your account.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one! It's short, but pretty interesting.