
I have tried my damnedest to not watch any videos on the game. I want my experience to be pure and painful.


You mean people decide not to kill Connor?

The Orzammar storyline felt longer than anything else in the game to me. It's still the most memorable part of the DA:O, but that's because a certain section creeped me the fuck out. You'll know when you get there.

Are you still trying to design a game? How's that going?

Destroy is the only option in ME3. The Reapers had it coming.

Pictured you bursting through the door, Kramer-style, while saying this.

You just scratched the surface to how sad that Sif fight is…

Have you played Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser yet?

I will be continuing my journey in Destiny yet again. Man, Dark Souls 3 can't come out quick enough.

Man, that baseball cap Aiden is wearing sure is iconic! Wish I could have one.

Can you be the new CEO of Bungie, please?

I hear you. Taking an hour/hour-and-a-half to complete one section of the King's Fall Raid is ridiculous. And trying to find five other people that are free to complete it is just as hard. I like video games that value my time and there are parts of Destiny that fall into this scenario, but it stinks that the only

Yeah, I wish there was matchmaking included in raids, but there is a lot of planning and strategy involved with them. I have no clue why the Prison of Elders isn't 100% matchmaking though.

That'd be a yes. Alright, carry on. Nothing to see here.

Have you played Destiny? It's pretty fun.

I just choked on my coffee. Well done.

I was the same way, until I played Destiny. You can go through the entire game teaming up with people and never have to communicate with them via mic. However, teaming up with fellow Gameologicomrades made the game really fun.

Nothing leads to a civil conversation faster than calling someone you disagree with "douchey" right out of the gate.

Oh no, there's crafting?! Why did you tell me that?! I spend almost as much time crafting in games like Fallout or Skyrim, than I actually do playing the game. Is the crafting system convoluted or pretty easy to figure out?