
I hear the loot drop rate is better than Destiny, but do you get consistent quality drops or are you inundated with shitty weapons?

And your reward is you get to eat a steamed ham!

The real question is what does Staggering Stew-Bum think of this game?

That would've been an amazing NPC name!

That would be an NPC that invaded you, kind of like the Knight of Thorns in DS1. They pop up a lot in the newer version of DS2.

True, but like I said, It's easy to play while inebriated.

Congrats on the new job!

This weekend I'll be conventioning it up at C2E2 in Chicago (specifically Saturday), so if any of you Gameologicians are going to be there, hit me up on Steam! If I have any free time, I'll be playing Exploding Kittens, Spaceteam, or euchre (i.e. good drinking games). It will be a scintillating weekend!

I find it funny that Phil took the time to skid mark every single pair of Phil 2.0's underwear. That's dedication!

Um, FUCK YES I had Spirit of Excalibur! That game ruled compared to the other ones I had. If you managed to find both Crowns of Command, you dominated that game.

Some things shouldn't be archived…

What was I going to do, not play video games? It was either play War in Middle Earth or California Raisins & The Cereal Factory. Yes, I had this game too. Check it out (EDIT: the soundtrack for the Raisins game is infinitely better than War in Middle Earth):…

They could've easily rectified this by naming one "Gandalf the Grey" and one "Gandalf the White", which would've made complete sense, but they didn't. So, in order to have two separate Gandalfs, they just added an apostrophe to the end of "Gandalf" and said "Good enough!"

Keep him full of Mountain Dew.

She is at best, what, 11 years old? I have a 12 year old. It will surprise you how much common sense stuff they don't know.

Alenko totally acts like someone named Kaiden.

Wow! Thanks for this, it's really helpful. I'm still going to give it a shot, since it's cheap, but I'll temper my expectations accordingly.

Murder of Crows is still one of the best ways to murder people in a video game.


Do yourself a favor and get the Zweihander. You can get it pretty close to the Firelink Shrine in the area with all the skeletons. However, make sure you have little to no souls on you because you will probably die trying to get it. I just ran up, grabbed the item, then was annihilated. Totally worth it though.