
From that standpoint, I will agree with you. I personally liked that BaS2 was a stealth game. Hell, the main game could've used more of this mechanic because the amount of fighting at the end was crazy.

I accidentally stumbled into the Institute ending and friggin' hated it. I started another character and was going to try and have both the Minutemen and the Railroad come out on top, but I got "epic video game epicness" fatigue.

There's no shame in using a wiki for a Souls game, since you can easily miss out on some very powerful items or cool areas. What character build are you rolling?

My wife was all excited to romance Alistair. [sad trombone]

Oof! That'll do it. Any parent that cares about their kid would have a hard time with those endings.


Uh… b-both?

You could've just left Leliana (and Sten) back at that town that gets wiped out by Darkspawn at the beginning of the game.

The answer is give him a bag of oranges.

Counterpoint: I disagree!

I stuck with Jane. As shitty as she was, she is a survivor and you could learn some skills from her that will become invaluable, after she ditches you.

Oh god the arm!

Ah yes, perma-death. Can I rename the characters after my loved ones, like I did in XCOM, to make it all the more painful?


I've asked myself that more than I care to admit.

I'll be playing Destiny probably until Dark Souls 3 comes out. Yes, I have Bastion and Broken Age staring me in the face, but I've felt very shooty lately and Destiny is good at shooty.

That's pretty cool. I might have to check those out.

That's a great premise.

Interesting. Is the experimental nature of the first one off-putting or user-friendly?

I have not, actually. Are they on Steam?