
Gotta love the RNG loot-drop system!

A modern, moderately less buggy version of this game would get all of my money.

Yeah, the cover is SO GOOD the game couldn't be anything other than a disappointment.

I had very few video games growing up, so I played the crap out of the ones I had. One game I played all the time was a PC game War in Middle Earth; a real-time strategy game based on The Lord of the Rings. You get to control all of the events unfolding in the trilogy at once, either sticking with the script or


Yes. He bought it when he was stoned (which was all the time) because he thought the flames looked cool.

My neighbor in college had one of these. It had enough power to run Red Alert and Civ 2, so that's all that mattered in my book.

I wish Downton would've ended with all of the characters coughing up blood for old time's sake.

There's gotta be better way to pull that off, but it looks like he at least got a hell of a work out.

Yeah, I'm not expecting it to be a cakewalk. I really want a Doctrine of Passing.

Destiny yet again. This time I'll be trying the Trials of Osiris, so I may not be having much fun.

Well, look at Gameological, for example. Keyboard Geniuses shows there are a lot of smart people out there that have extremely insightful takes on the subject of video games. Hell, a couple of those really smart people are now regular contributors to the site. I'm not discounting journalism by any means, I just

I love that book! It's not far off what it took to kill him in real life, either.

Wait, beema, are you saying you're a pessimist?

An Assassin's Creed game set in World War I era Russia would be amazing! Rasputin is the ultimate Big Bad.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears this DLC tears down the moral high ground of the Brotherhood. I agree the historical inaccuracies are a bit eye-rolly, but it sounds like they're at least addressing that when left unchecked, the brotherhood is just as bad as the people they're assassinating.

I don't think I could be frightened by this game because I would constantly be thinking of the phrase "Bloober Team", which instantly diffuses any scary situation.

Oh the humanity!

That sounds bad.

What happened? I missed it as well.