
You actually got the gist of it.

Ha! Well put. As a dead lookout, I had nothing else to do, but describe in great detail the equipment, class and subclass of the dude guarding my corpse.

Yeah, 30 is pretty ridiculous, but 317 makes it worth it.

My wife and I play a lot of table top games together and we have co-oped on Telltale games, but that's about it.

"Plus, having your teammate die forces a hasty reassessment of the fight."

Friggin' Souls games! Why do they have to be so confusing?

Yeah, I feel that I have to earn my winnings, even if it means getting my spirit crushed in the process.

There's a lot of negatives in that sentence. So, I agree?

I think you can only summon one for the Laurence fight, but you could give the other NPC a try. I did find Valtr more useful for that one, though. I never thought about using the choir bell, but that is a good strategy.

As a geologist, Volcano Week would be my dream week. That or Earthquake Week. We could discuss the calamity in Vagrant Story for that one.

Alright, I'll create one and post the clan name on the Steam page. The good thing about Crimson Doubles is regardless of how well you do (I'm so-so), you still get the rewards. I got a 310 ghost after losing a match, so it's worth it for that.

Oops! Sorry, I thought you were talking about the hunter in Byrgenwerth, for whatever reason. Yes, the Laurence fight is tricky. Did you summon Valtr to assist you in the fight or the other NPC at the bottom of the stairs near the lamp? Either way, I found Valtr more useful.

Besides the length and bummer boss fights, would you recommend it? I am intrigued by this game.

You could cheese him with the Hunter's Axe. As soon as he gets in range, use the spin-to-win attack and he'll go flying. It worked for me.

The shells look cool and are pretty good. I got the chocolate one to drop at 310.

That's why Bervenia Volcano in Final Fantasy Tactics is the best!

Unfortunately, I will not be playing XCOM 2, since I don't have a computer capable of playing it. So, I'll just have to live vicariously through you fine folks and read about your experiences.

That's the game I'd like to play.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but the part about the elderly lady looking at pictures and by collecting tokens you're able to unlock additional family photos, I'm getting the distinct impression this game is about Alzheimer's. The yarn could be the attempt to reconnect old memories (the tokens/family photos)

Thanks! Definitely going to be playing this with the missus.