
Smiley mask. Always smiley mask.

Quick question: are the dialogue trees pretty on the mark with what the character actually says or are they more along the lines of, say, Fallout 4?

The leaderboard is definitely a who's who in Gameological. If I never make it on there, I can be happy that I assisted with your sign off.

Not complain?

Not one but TWO mentions this week! That is definitely worth shouting about! Good comments, BTW.

Oh, I completed the Valley of Defilement. The only thing I haven't done is beat the final boss. You are correct, the shortcut is key. Getting the shortcut open was a pretty horrible experience. The environmental hazard levels in every Souls game rub me the wrong way. The games are difficult enough without having

Watch out for Flim, he's a ringer.

He is an asshole. Ellie is what kept the game going for me. You are actually getting close to the end, if you left off at the college. I would recommend finishing it because the ending was superb. It stuck with me for a while.

Yeah, there were a couple of losses I had where they called the game after five minutes. One the other team got all of the heavy ammo and just wrecked our shit for 2-3 minutes straight. It was ugly. I am intrigued about Crimson Days. Hopefully they will have some good rewards, because the only thing I get from

Great review, as always. LOVED Transistor. Now I need to get started on Bastion.

I romanced Cassandra on my first run of DA:I and it was surprisingly sweet. The Dorian romance was by far the best one, though.

I am jealous of every person that gets to play XCOM 2. I hope it will eventually make its way to the PS4.

Vita's are super cheap, right now, so you could still make that happen. I've been considering it for a while myself.

Get better, man, back pain is no joke! Glad the medicine is helping, but might I recommend NOT playing a game in the genre of Eternal Darkness, while taking that particular medicine. It does not go well.

Say what you want about the gameplay, but the soundtrack is great!

Demons Souls has the best atmosphere out of the series (Bloodborne is a very close second). I am probably an hour from fighting the final boss, but have never finished the game. I had a couple very cheap seeming deaths (killed by the tinniest bit of dragon's fire several times in a row) right near the end that it

Since you love playing with the masses quite a bit in Battlefront, you could get Destiny and team up with your fellow Gameologirinos…

Still plugging away at Destiny. I jumped into Iron Banner (the challenge was Rift this time) on its last day, last week, and immediately got hooked. I was surprised I did very well for three games in a row, then the Momento map happened and shit went south in a hurry. I decided to call off Iron Banner when someone

Honestly, that sounds a lot like XCOM. Members of my party got PTSD from chrysalid attacks and I can't blame them.

"Solipsism" and "phlebitic". I come here for the game reviews, I stay for the opportunity to expand my lexicon.