
Wow, that's impressive dedication! Get her The Witcher 3 stat!

You could shoot him, then load a previous save if it all goes south.

Thanks! Crowning myself seemed fitting after vanquishing everyone in the Gameological Block & Tackle Fantasy Football League. I will remove the crown if a new winner emerges, but I find that scenario highly unlikely.

Exactly! When I read that on a terminal, I so wanted a side mission to pop up saying "Warn Warwick Homestead".

And I have zero. Just because we aren't accumulating points doesn't mean we're not contributing to important conversations.
[swigs from whiskey bottle, weeps softly]

"Stay tuned, folks, and keep those comments scintillating." You're welcome and I'll be expecting my check in the mail.

I would just like them to explain why they keep on kidnapping people instead of asking citizens to work with them.

We should try and set something up. Saturday I am going to a beerfest and will be no use to anyone, so Sunday might work.

How was Bone Tomahawk not released in theaters? It was great but bruuuuuutal!

How many times has she completed Dragon Age?

I kind of wish this game was portable because this sounds like it would be perfect to play on a touchscreen while you're travelling.

Venerable Monk and I tried Vault of Glass, but it became evident 3 players were not going to cut it and you needed the full 6. I joined the community page and might try to set up a King's Fall sometime (the only thing I've never finished). If any other Gamelogirinos want to team up for any mission, I'm totally down.

Shale is an interesting character. Make sure you bring her with you to Orzammar, she adds an interesting twist to the plot.

I loved the soundtrack to Transistor, so I'm glad to hear Supergiant makes music a priority in their development.

If you do decide to get any DLC, get Awakening. It is pretty integral to the plot in DA2.

The Fume Knight was a huge hurdle for me, too. I think my favorite DLC was the Crown of the Ivory King (not including the Frigid Outskirts) because the scenery was so different from anything in any other Souls game; and the way the level changed after you meet [redacted] was pretty neat.

Your weekly updates are the best!

I hear you. My wife usually tells me to leave the room when she's playing shooting games. I try to help her murder things more efficiently, but she seems sufficiently happy riddling things instead. Still gets the job done.

Still plugging away at Destiny. Other than that, I managed to get Bastion for super cheap on a PSN Flash Sale and am looking forward to starting that because I really liked Transistor.

Thank you, this was very helpful.