
So it's like completing a maze puzzle activity book with an 8 year old?

I thought that was David Cage.

So the game is essentially a maze puzzle activity book with inspirational quote audio files?

Let me guess, an older brother?

I remember playing this with my grandma when I was little. She was always the banker; therefore, she always cheated. She cheated at cards, too. Grandma was a wonderful woman!


No! Bad, cigarette! Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done!

"…dual-purpose gaming console and arousal machine…"

I think that's too subtle for a Edith's demise.

Julian Fellowes knows he doesn't have to kill anyone in the final season, right? We can just have the show end and assume everyone lived moderately happy lives. Well, except Edith who was killed in the Blitz because if anyone on this show is to be killed in the Blitz it would of course be Edith.

You jest, but as a geologist everything you said interested me.

Geophysical Journal International?

When I played, the DLC tracks were not there because not everyone had the DLC. DL would have more info about that.

DL has been organizing them on the 8th of every month at 8:00 PM CST. He usually posts the info on the Friday before. It's a good time!

Can we still talk about butts, though?

Holy shit, you're right! That terrible/awesome!

Everyone sucks at XCOM in the beginning. Just don't rename your soldiers after your friends, that's when it gets tough.

Piper on the other hand LOVES IT when you pick locks. You can quickly max out her affinity by just hacking and lockpicking. That and she's perfectly pleasant to talk to.

That's what that is? Man, I need to pay attention to things while playing video games. I always figured they had bright white blood.

The No Man's Wharf undead was friendly? Whoops…