
We will not speak about the Frigid Outskirts.

Good job, man! I fully resigned to never beating them. When Havel ran at me full speed in waist deep water (where as I could only slowly move), I knew that challenge was not for me.

I need to get on the Bastion train, too. If you do start Bastion soon, please keep us (me) updated on your thoughts.

Yeah, getting to the Blues Smelter Demon is one of the biggest pains in the ass ever. Nothing is worse than the Gank Squad though.

There are some pretty good bundle deals right now, but if you wanted to wait for Uncharted 4 to be released, I'm sure there will be a bundle with that released in April. I'd recommend adding Transistor to that exclusive indie list, too.

MOAR DESTINY. I'm sure I'll get burnt out on it eventually, but I'm perfectly happy biding my time until The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine DLC, Uncharted 4, and Darks Souls 3 come out. This will be a good game year.

The new Devil May Cry had man ass AND pizza dick.

Yep, that pretty much describes Gino Odjick.



The Mako's making a comeback. Take that however you want.

I had to look that one up. There's no way anything but disappointment can come out of that game.

1. Uncharted 4 (My wife refers to these games as Unsharted. You're welcome.)
2. No Man's Sky. I agree with Merve, the vagueness is really throwing me off.

I heard the objective is to eventually get to the center of the universe, which answers nothing.

[reads comment, shatters keyboard over knee]

As long as you understand your notes, then you have nothing to worry about.


It gets an F.

Do the whale shark guys fight like the Keystone Cops. Focus on one of them, hit them a couple times, and run away. That's all the advice I have.